Kishi Junipers


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A few days ago I received 2 new Kishi Junipers. Since they aren't styled, there is quite a bit foliage to be removed. I am starting to think it might not be worth while to hold off until the start of spring, and try to root the cuttings. There are several branches to chose from.

So the question is, does this type of juniper root well enough from cuttings to make it worth while? I slip potted them into slightly larger clay Orchid pots then the pots they came in.
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Yes, all shimpaku junipers will root pretty easily from cuttings.
I've always had mediocre results from taking cuttings from Shimpaku. I generally take some absurd number, like 50 and get 3 that take....perhaps my skills or techniques are not correct. It is true that these are generally propagated by cutting in nurseries so you should not have too much trouble.
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