Majestic jbp


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melbourne victoria australia
this tree was on display at a club meeting last night. it belongs to a melbourne artist who i consider to be the best of the best in this country. i cant drop names for he dislikes any form of light shone on him. this tree is also considered to be the best jbp in the country. end of the day its all subjective.
i am yet to see better. i posted this tree last year on bt when he first purchased it and is now much further refined. the right hand side of the apex area is still to grow and extend in order to compensate for the long sub trunk under it. we beleive this tree to have been two trees fused together when first created.
hope you enjoy it as much as i do.:)


  • 010620092759.jpg
    85.8 KB · Views: 148
I think, from the pic you gave, I would get rid of that bit right section and a couple bottom left branches.

just my prefrence
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Why you rascal, you've been holding out on us, what else are you hiding under the bed. Beautiful tree mate, is it center piece of your collection.

Why you rascal, you've been holding out on us, what else are you hiding under the bed. Beautiful tree mate, is it center piece of your collection.


H you must read too not just look at the pictures. i can only dream that this was mine:)
I like the design on this tree, an eye catcher!
The reason I say so is because, to me, that right section distracts my focus from the main trunk.
i did forget to mention he is now on the look out for the right pot. something wider. i think that will go a long way to compensating the sub trunk too as well as the extension of the apex.:)
Lovely tree Ant, "best in Australia"...well i dont know about that claim, thats a pretty big claim.
Lovely tree Ant, "best in Australia"...well i dont know about that claim, thats a pretty big claim.

sure is pete. its not something we claim on our own. it is what we are told by interstate people who are in the know, but like i said its all subjective. what ever pops your cookies.:)
sure is pete. its not something we claim on our own. it is what we are told by interstate people who are in the know, but like i said its all subjective. what ever pops your cookies.:)

Easy to solve Ant, if someone has a what they think is better tree than yours, post a picture and we will decide mate.

This IS a magnificent tree... I kind of agree with shohin kid about the right section. The main upright section is incredible.perfect taper, incredible branch placement and ramification.

Here is a virt of the tree without that section.

I would like to add that even though, I am may..(key word being may) it better without it. I don't know if I would ever change the style. First, it would leave a huge scar and ruin the "perfection" of the tree. Also, it is different that many masterpieces you see. Uniqueness can be a great and powerful thing when it comes to bonsai..



  • 010620092759.jpg
    78.9 KB · Views: 63
This tree is great just the way it is. Thanks for sharing!
sure is pete. its not something we claim on our own. it is what we are told by interstate people who are in the know, but like i said its all subjective. what ever pops your cookies.:)
Spot on....whatever pops ya cookies. IMO, i have seen better, but thats not to say i have seen the best one in Australia either. It is always going to be subjective, but whilst there are these claims floating around, we are being exposed to some fine quality trees regardless! All good.
Spot on....whatever pops ya cookies. IMO, i have seen better, but thats not to say i have seen the best one in Australia either. It is always going to be subjective, but whilst there are these claims floating around, we are being exposed to some fine quality trees regardless! All good.

its always good with you buddy!:) let me just add that the people making big arse claims like this have seen more trees and are more informed than you and i. how many good jbp's do you think we have in this country. there aint too many YET.:(
I like the tree a lot and those monterrey pines you posted as well. I was wondering about the pot, but just another option I would consider is a more squarer/multi-angle, but deeper pot, so the tree's dramatic movement is enhanced but still firmly anchored (not one of those crescent pots please). Just my two cents.
Thanks for sharing this tree antonio. I really like it! Your friend has one hell of a jbp! I would love to see this tree in its new pot. I hope you update when he finds the right one:)
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