Miniature Guava air layer?


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Rosh Pinah, Namibia
Hi All

My cousin informed me there's a miniature Guava growing in the garden of their rented house - BIG MISTAKE!:D
I checked out the tree yesterday, just more that 1m tall, I offered to replace the tree with anything they want, plan was to dig the whole tree but the once-over convinced me otherwise.

There are suckers growing at the base some might be rooted, will go for those but obviously that's the long road.

The arrow-straight trunk is another reason why I don't want the whole tree, but there are some really nice branches that would be a great start if I could air layer it.

So what's the verdict - will an air layer work?

BTW, the leaves don't look like the miniature guava bonsai I've seen posted here, BUT my cousin informed me the owners wife used to cook jam from the little guavas!:D
Too cute for words, the tree is covered with little fruit!:)

Dig the whole thing out. At a meter, it won't be much of a job.

Get it estblished in a container, worry about air layering later...

Thanks for the info.

How big dare I go with the cuttings? The 2 best branches are 1-1.5mm in diameter.
Dig the whole thing out
I know you're right, but there are so many reasons why I shouldn't.........this will take some pondering.....:p

Thanks again
Too bad. Guava made from larger trunks make excellent bonsai, apparently:

I can't really understand why removing a small sapling would be a problem, unless someone else wants it to remain...Such a small tree could be easily dug up with just about all of its roots and transplanted very easily into a container or in another place in the ground.
Hi Rockm

I saw that, also noted a difference in the leaves, the veins are much more pronounced than on "my" tree.
Take my word I could never achieve those results starting from that tree, a low and severe trunk chop and complete rebuild maybe, or broom style.

I'm welcome to all the saplings, and even a branch or two no problem.
Not taking the whole tree is most likely the more considerate thing to do.

I've found some new vigor for bonsai, I have a space problem, budget limitations (read:can't afford large pots, even if I could get them), and very recently my few trees were a millstone around my neck, packing and moving the lot actually filled me with disgust - like when your kids prang the car, you love them but you wish you never had them.....

I might be completely wrong, but if I look at that tree it seems to be a species that doesn't develop a thick trunk easily. The tree has been in the ground for at least 5 years, and it's not impressive. The branches I mentioned have nice movement, and I can see them styled to look exactly like the guava tree we had in the yard when I was a kid.

Might not be close to a 6:1 ratio, but I figure if I can get okay nebari developed it could look good with a huge cute factor - the fruit will be on scale.

Those branch sizes should root easily.
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