My Procumbens

Thomas J.

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As a followup to my last thread "My Shimpaku", I thought I would do one on one of my ten or so procumbens junipers. I've been nworking on this one for three years now and am finally happy with the way it's coming. I'm just wondering what others think of the direction I took this one. Some may like it and others might find it boring or just not to their liking:eek: , maybe just another cookie cutter bonsai.

Also, what about the pot, maybe it's a tad too big.:confused:

Any constructive criticism?:D

If anyone's interested in an earlier picture, I'm sure I could scrounge one up.:)


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Thomas, I will say that is one of the better J. Procumbens I've seen in a while. Since you offered and I know your expecting it. Could you scrounge up an earlier picture before comment?
Hi Tom,
Here's a pic taken at purchase three years ago before any work was started on the tree. As I look back I ask myself " what did I ever see in this tree"? But then I remember it was the movement of the trunk that I really liked something you can see better on the first post than on this one, and thought if I could manage the foliage to a point of being something acceptable, I might have something here. As I said before, I think I'm finally there.:D


  • DG jun #10 5-15(19).jpg
    DG jun #10 5-15(19).jpg
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As with all the trees you have shown, this one shows exceptional talent and technique. Good work. Thanks for sharing this with us!
As with all the trees you have shown, this one shows exceptional talent and technique. Good work. Thanks for sharing this with us.

Thanks Chris,
I appreciate it.:)
Hi Thomas, been back a couple of times looking at the before and after. There was something slightly "off" when I look at the image. It obviously wasn't your skill as you definitely have a handle refining what was once a hairy beast.

I think the conclusion I came to boiled down to the pot, as you eluded to in your opening statement. Not only was it visually heavy in contrast to the tree. It also seemed the wrong. The surface being so smooth against the roughness of the bark and foliage. A round textured pot seemed appropriate to me, a personal preference I think. So I took the liberty of swapping pots with one of mine that I had in stock. I hope you don't mind.

Thanks again for another great offering


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Thanks Tom for taking the time to do a virtual of the pot. I like it. It will be something I'll have to look into. The present pot is for sure a bit big and does overwhelm especially the trunk of the tree.

When I bought the tree it probably hadn't been repotted in some time and therefore the root system is solid as a brick. It will be a while before I can get it into something smaller. Thanks for the suggestion.:)
when possible smaller pot yes, more textured yes, but the lines of the first pot work very well with the lines of the tree. in particular the upward arch at the bottom of the pot. if you could find those lines in a round pot that would be cool.
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