Plan to Beat the Heat in Bama


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Last years temps were over 100F here many days from June throughout the summer. I left some Trident Maple others on my deck through the summer. The heat did not kill any but it was very hard, no leaves were on this fall. The Junipers and JBP and Shimpaku made it OK, they were on stands that get shade from about 2:pm for the rest of the day, the roof blocks the sun. The trees on my deck are much more visible from in my home, so I really like keeping as many as possible on the deck.
Now that my Tridents, Red Maples and Chinese Elm are starting to open buds it will be time to move from under the carport. I will place under the trees (large pines with morning sun and afternoon shade) for a week or two. Then move to the deck for full sun, until about June. Then move back to the trees (shade) for half day of full sun and half day of shade for the rest of the summer. I think this will be very good for them? My concern is for the pines and deck space will mean moving them to the shade to make room for the Tridents and Maples. So when I make the swap in June and move the Pines and Junipers back to the deck in June it will be a sudden Hot! Will this be trouble for them? I could leave them on the deck to share with the Tridnets...just no stands for them.
Thanks for any advice.
It sounds like any shade is good for the tridents--The issue is probably not sun on the leaves, though. It's more likely sun on the pots and the ensuing heat build up at the roots. Pots can be shielded from the heat by placing white towels, or T-shirts over them on the hottest days.

Additionally, you're going to have to live with the fact that what might make the trees more visible to you in the house, might actually be bad for the trees...:D
Thanks Rock,
I had read, maybe it was you telling about putting wet towels on the pots during the day. Last year I would water the tress on the deck before going to work and then again late afternoon. That seemed to help, I may give the towel/tee shirt a try. And I agree, it was my being selfish last year keeping them on the deck so long. I will have to work on that one, may take a life time, but I am working at it. :)
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