Quality Tool Kit


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Dallas, TX
Can someone recommend a tool kit for a beginner that will do most things that i need to do with the ability to grow? I mostly grow indoor, ficus type plants.

Thanks in advance.
Depends on what you'd like to do, really. For pruning and cutting branches, you should pick up some pruning shears and some decent concave cutters. Also a nice root hook wouldn't hurt for when you plan on starting to work with the roots if you haven't already. Almost everyone will say you need some chop sticks (good for testing how wet your growing medium is and also wonderful for working the medium in around the roots when you repot. Joshua Roth is a brand I've stuck with, but only because I don't know much about any other brand -- though I know there are many comparable ones out there. I'm sure someone else would be able to suggest something different ;)

More advanced techniques require different tools, but with research of these techniques you will find out what you'll need to perform them :)
I echo aaxxonns reply re. the 2 tools(pruners, and concave cutters), start there and expand as you and your trees grow, next would probably be wire cutters, the one meant for bonsai are much better than anything you will find for cutting wire off your trees, then grow your set as needed.

If available get them from a nearby Bonsai nursery, if not go online to a bonsai retailer.

I tend to get better tools( best that I can afford), they have more value in the long run.
Whatever you do, DON'T buy a complete set of tools. It's unecessary, expensive and could be counterproductive.

Buy selected individual tools of the finest quality you can afford. Tools sold in sets (especially those under $200) can be crap. Some, because of misaligned blades, bad joints and the like can actually do more bad than good.

Most bonsai people who have been at this a while don't buy tool sets. They accumulate tools.

The tools you should buy first are a concave cutter and possibly a wire cutter. Other everyday tools, like scissors, are more than adequate when starting out and are more versatile. A simple pair of $15 scissors can be used to cut new shoots and root prune for instance.
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