Thread Graft


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Does anyone have any experience with thread grafting vines? I have a boganvillia and want to thread graft it. I have been told that vines do not take to thread grafting well. I'm not sure if this is a old wives tale or not. I searched the web for anything that would validate that statement and found nothing.

I want to improve the nebari on one of my boggies. Its sitting in the greenhouse and I though it would be a great winter project.
Sorry to drag this thread back up, but with Brent here maybe he can answer this question.
Mr. Tom,

In my experience the bougainvillae do not easily form the tissue needed for grafting or healing over cuts...This is not to say it can't be done...They seem to very readily 'seal' off injuries, however the callous material seems quite slow to develop...

On the other hand they backbud like mad, and also form roots in a similar way...I have even taken a branch with no leaves or roots, inverted it in the planting medium, and it developed roots on the old top with leaves on the old downward portion...

It will take a bit longer than a thread graft to see good results, but you can scar [drill, cut, or otherwise wound] the bark through the cambium...Pack the wound with a bit of rooting hormone[#1 is fine]...And cover the wound with soil or damp sphagnum, and keep damp...You will have new roots develop rather quickly, especially in the peak growing season [mid-summer]...


:) :) :)
Behr, Thanks for the input. I had almost given up on a response. I will add your insight to my arsenal.
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