Thomas J.

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This is what I imagine trident maple heaven would look like, :)
my trident in the front yard gives off thousands of seeds every year and as they stratify themselves, this is what my front yard looks like in the spring.
I dug up a few seedlings that sprouted in my backyard untouched by the lawn mower up along the fence line, collected them for a few friends who
showed an interest but haven't heard back from them, I might have to just put them out front with a "FREE" sign on them? :cool:
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Nice! I have one in my front that the last few years produced a few random seeds but nothing sprouting. :(
We do not get them in the lawn. I think the grass here is too strong and aggressive but we do have thousands that grow in the garden beds. I have managed to get the Head Gardener to leave them for a year so I can pull and sell them in winter but she is getting increasingly impatient about the trident forest hiding her attractive garden plants and flowers.
Damn weeds....
Hey is there a way I can get these ?
These would be too gentle to send in the mail since I just dug them up recently, wish you lived closer. I could however send you some seeds next fall if you like, let me know and I'll put a reminder to send some, they're real easy to germinate. :)
These would be too gentle to send in the mail since I just dug them up recently, wish you lived closer. I could however send you some seeds next fall if you like, let me know and I'll put a reminder to send some, they're real easy to germinate. :)
Ok thanks so much ! I will definitely take them !
Why wouldn't you send bare rooted seedlings next winter, bundle together as many as can fit in a postage box? , and he saves a year in germinating seed etc.
Just my 5cents,
Why wouldn't you send bare rooted seedlings next winter, bundle together as many as can fit in a postage box? , and he saves a year in germinating seed etc.
Being tridents, I personally would consider taking the risk. Bare-root seedlings wrapped in wet cloth. Cling film wrap and ship in a small box.
We have shipped bare root trident seedlings in summer and they do fine on arrival when potted up. Tridents are tough and seedling tridents are really resilient. Just wrap bare root seedlings in wet moss or similar in a closed plastic bag and post. They will survive for 10 days, maybe more in a dark box.
i see @leatherback has beaten me so I will now just agree with the above #13.
They will survive for 10 days, maybe more in a dark box.
For the recipient: The seedlings upon arrival will be accustomed to dark and moist situation. The best way to kill them is to pot them up and straight away put them in sun & outdoor environment. Pot up, and protect from sun and dry air. So put the pot in a plastic bag which you slightly open up once you see the seedlings lifting their leaves, a little more every few days over a period of 2 weeks or so. Keep it in the shade during that period. Once out of the bag, start giving more sun every day.
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