Trident Maple growing new leaves?

Redwood Ryan

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Hello again,

My small trident maple is growing new leaves when it is 30 F outside....this is not normal. It dropped leaves about mid-summer, then started growing them right at the beginning of fall. What should I do? I really want to pot this guy into a much bigger pot, but since it is re-growing it's leaves, now what?


Thanks all,

Losing all it's leaves like it did forced it to send out a newer set of leaves. Some will deliberately defoliate their tridents once or even twice in a season to force a new set of smaller leaves. Timing is crucial, as doing it too late in the seaon will not allow the new growth to harden off adequately before winter. Honestly, I wouldn't worry about it too much, as tridents are vigorous, tough trees. If you are thinking about bringing it inside, you will only weaken it further, and most likely lose it. I would not touch the roots now- leave that for spring. Hopefully, you've been keeping the tree outside. If so, it's time to put it away for winter by mulching the pot in a safe place out of the wind and winter sun.

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Yes, something has caused its seasons to get mixed up. I would put it in winter place, and let alone for a year to let it get back into its normal clock. Work on some other trees while its getting used to things again. Good luck.
Put it outside in a sheltered area under six inches of mulch. Let it alone. The new growth will be killed off in the coming days. Keep your fingers crossed. You're probably going to get some winter kill on the branches, or worse...
Hello again,

My small trident maple is growing new leaves when it is 30 F outside....this is not normal. It dropped leaves about mid-summer, then started growing them right at the beginning of fall. What should I do? I really want to pot this guy into a much bigger pot, but since it is re-growing it's leaves, now what?


Thanks all,


Believe it or not my deshojo maple did the same thing. It' in a safe place from the winter but who knows. Only time will tell. Let's hope for the best.

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