Very interesting associations


Reaction score
What will you think of when you look at the letters “SAP”?
Woman: S cent, Attraction, Pretty
Man: Smart, Appointment, Power
The old: Sleep, Ageing, Pass away
Child: Sweetmeats, Apple, Play
Ironist: Satire, Acrimony, Parody
Politico: Senator, Aye, President
Professor: Scholarship, Assignment, Paper
Worker: Salary, Assets, Promotion
Publisher:Scientific and Academic Publishing
Really? This is your first post on a bonsai forum???

or are you saying we are all saps here....
Really? This is your first post on a bonsai forum???

or are you saying we are all saps here....

I agree with Judy. Something Appears Peculiar about this.
I hope this gets better Soon As Possible
Seriously Annoying Prostate
Stupid Anonymous Philosophers, Stand Among People; Stupid Anonymous People, Saying Awful Phrases.
Obama: Sorry A** President

Sorry for getting political, but I couldn't resist.
I love Stan reply.

Oddly enough my first thought was unsuitable to post on a public forum......

me so horny ;)

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