Last of my Christmas money spending.


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I received two pots I had ordered with my Christmas money last night. They will probably be the last of my international purchases for a while, since the Canadian Dollar is tanking.

First is this mame pot from :
I think a bougie cascade will be going in there.
Then there's this bigger one from :
Not sure what I'll put in it yet.
As a retiree, I can relate to having a minimal budget. But over the years I have gone from buying pots that appeal to me, to buying a pot for a specific tree. Seems to cut down on pots being stored unused. Also we are firtunate in having some pretty decent local bonsai club members making pots. Saving the shipping alone makes them more reasonable.

your second pictured pot seems perfect for a chojubai quince, red of course! :)
I wish! I'm limited to tropicals, as I have no outside.

Wow....when you put it like that.....
It sounds like you are institutionalized !

Or invisible!

It's your inside that matters!

Nice. I like the second one with the snakeskin look; how big is it?
Going to check out the shop now.
I wish! I'm limited to tropicals, as I have no outside.

If you live in an apartment building, you might be able to persuade the landlord to let you use the roof. A buddy of mine in Quebec does just that. Tropicals on the inside, everything else on the roof.

If you live in a condo, your outside dreams are pretty much null and void. Condos tend to be run by management in a fascist manner. No soup for you!
Yeah, the roof is off limits in my building (apparently, the walls aren't high enough to meet current bylaws) They have some empty planters by the entrance that I'm tempted to ask about putting some stuff in to bulk up over the summer then recover in fall. I guess it can't hurt to ask. I wouldn't put in anything good because there are vandals and barbarians in my building.
Ya watch out for those barbarians, with their mead and battle axes. Bad news.

I wouldn't put anything in planters in the front of the building. Last year it made headlines that people were walking around residential streets, and digging up flowers and plants out of peoples private front yard gardens. Same with city planters. I'm sure an apartment building planter wouldn't be safe due to the high volume of pedestrian traffic.

But who knows.
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