
  1. Backwardsvg

    Cottonwood Ahead

    I collected this cottonwood last spring and it is EXPLODING with growth this year. I have it in 100% field soil from where I collected it. I am wondering does anyone have any experience with transitioning these to bonsai soil? How are they with root disturbance? Any other advice would be...
  2. Apex37

    Tree ID

    This guy made his way into a pot that was sitting by the side of the house with some dirt in it. I have never watered it and somehow has survived and looks pretty happy so far. Can't figure out exactly what it is. Looks like black poplar or apricot (prunus armeniaca). Hoping apricot, cause I'll...
  3. S

    Has anyone tried Fremont Cottonwood?

    Hi everyone, I am new to Bonsai and even newer to this site. I have a few trees doing well (Blue Juniper, Live Oak, Arborvitae), and I am ready for my next. My favorite tree is the Fremont Cottonwood, and it grows everywhere in my area. I am hoping to find a good specimen growing outdoors...
  4. HorseloverFat

    HorseloverFat’s 2020-2120 NON-ideal NONtest entries.

    (((WARNING! UNDEVELOPED UNSUITABLE SPECIMENS FOLLOW, proceed at your own risk Alrighty... let’s get right down to business. This idea has been in “embryo”ever since the informative discussion on the “most difficult tree to bonsai” thread. Since I have been making threads on a few of my...
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