
  1. Drocksteady87

    Is my Japanese juniper bonsai dying? Please help.

    I bought my Japanese juniper about 3 weeks ago. I live in Sacramento, CA. I keep my tree indoors but let it sit outside for about 2-3hrs a day. I let it soak in water for about 5-10min. This is my first bonsai ever and don’t want it to die on me. Any help will be appreciated thanks.
  2. Bonsai Orange County

    Shimpaku Repot - Pot Choice

    Happy 2022 fellow BN fam!! Hope this year is off to a great start for everyone. I wanted to gather some thoughts on pot choice for my Shimpaku that I acquired from @mattspiniken in late summer 2021. The tree has passed from several BNr’s through tree years since it started at Evergreen Grarden...
  3. I

    Newbie styling

    Hello everyone! I am brand new to this whole process. I recently picked up some nursery stock of carpet juniper and boxwood and styled them. What do you think? Both of them started off as bushes, and the boxwood was a bunch of branches sticking out of the soil so I just clipped the ones I didn't...
  4. D

    Kind of Juniper ?

    Hey guys , Quite a large tree, would say Shoulder height..Just a ordinary Juniper Chinensis? :) thanks guys
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