
  1. D

    Seedling Assistance

    Hi everyone, I'm sure I'm probably just overthinking this, but in years past I've had unfortunate luck keeping seedlings and younger plants alive. Today, i received these Arakawa seedlings by mail. They were advertised in small pots, but arrived bagged in soil per the pictures. Given that the...
  2. Chris88bull

    Emergency repot

    Hi all ! I'm based in the uk and had a Japanese maple shipped to me today , the sender didn't really seal / package the tree very well at all and then used a pretty useless courrier service . Basically so much soil was out the pot and the tree had completely shifted in the pot , wasn't wired...
  3. S

    Need advice on my recently repotted Chinese Privet (Ligustrum Sinensis)

    My Chinese Privet wasn’t vigourous at all this spring, so I decided to emergency repot to get an eye on the roots (it’s normally very vigorous this time of year) It was ridiculously root bound, so I did some pretty serious root pruning and a repot. After a few waters, I’m worried the pot might...
  4. S

    Trident Maple Repot Question

    Hi all, Ive attached some images of my trident maple. It was left outside on a porch, so no direct snow during the winter, but definitely plenty of freezing temperatures. While all my Japanese maples were waking up, the Trident was delayed, and I grew concerned. Just this week, maybe within a...
  5. Coach_

    Help with a Repotted nursery stock. Grey death?

    Repotted this parsoni juniper in March after the last cold week into a pond basket and into inorganic soil from its nursery pot. Last summer I did some basic styling but havent touched the foliage since. Foliage is stiff, not growing any new shoots, not much browning at tips, but seems...
  6. jbhampton31

    New to me juniper work today

    I am not sure what species of juniper chinensis this is... If anyone knows please tell me. Here are before and after photos of the repot and wiring I did today on this tree, I made few mistakes on the wiring but I am not great at wiring yet and especially with copper. I may consider turning this...
  7. Phishstix

    Are these workable?

    I received a shipment of trees from Bonsaify a few days ago and am hungry to work them. They’re grown in San Fran, and I live in Calgary.. quite a difference in where the trees are growth wise to where my trees are currently. My in ground trees are just starting to have buds swell or leafing out...
  8. M

    Spruce Repot for Science!

    Hello, Today went for a top down half bare root on a clearance spruce. It was robust with lots of roots top to bottom in the nursery can. As so many things are, here in the PNW, the core was solid Willammette mud/clay. Since I didnt have any specific plan for the tree, I thought it would be a...
  9. C

    First post: Should I repot or air layer this first?

    Hello all, I am at the tail end of my first bonsai winter! I just picked up this Katsura maple from a nursery the other day and I'm a little stumped on what to do first with it. These were the options I have cooked up in my head. Any thoughts on these as well as new suggestions? 1) The soil...
  10. Carapace

    I've repotted my Scots pine seedling in early october. Is it a problem?

    Hi, I just got a small scots pine seedling and the soil it was in was very mucky and wet, so I bare-rooted it (I know it isn't supposed to be good but I didn't wash the roots so there still is some mycorrhiza on them) and planted it in good free-draining soil without cutting any roots except a...
  11. pandacular

    Pot inclination prior to angle change at repot

    I have a few trees that will be getting repotted at a new, often quite different angle at the next opportunity. Until repot, does it make sense to keep the pot at the new inclination? I have seen that some professionals seem to do this, but it's not necessarily consistent. I've also seen some...
  12. Carapace

    Can I repot this in autumn

    Hi guys, I have a tiny twin trunk pfitz juniper and I was wondering if I can repot it in autumn, it is currently in it's garden center soil and so I might need to cut off quite a good amount of roots
  13. pandacular

    Burying future nebari to encourage growth

    I saw @leatherback mention in a video (don't recall which one, but I think it was about japanese maple) that he had buried the nebari. I believe the reason was to encourage growth. Is this a common technique? What are it's primary goals, just so I don't mis-state them? Are there specific species...
  14. Baku1875

    Baku's consolidated bucida spinosas/molinetti thread

    Consolidating all of my bucida spinosa/terminalia molinetti tree progressions and work into a single thread to keep things less spammy. I appreciate and welcome any constructive criticism, questions, suggestions. The poll is for the first tree. This is my 2nd biggest one, has kind of a long...
  15. NeyensNeuro

    Sun after shimpaku repot

    Hi folks, I repotted my first shimpaku the other day! I'd had it for a year in the original (small) nursery pot, and I knew that it was time for a repot. The roots had wrapped around the container. My question is about the amount of sunlight that is appropriate for shimpaku. I did minimal root...
  16. Balbs

    Is it too late to repot trident?

    Hi all, I was traveling and just got home to my trident, ready for spring! I did intend to repot this one this year. I’m growing it out in an Anderson flat and it’s been three years or so, so I expect it to need some heavy root work. Am I too late?
  17. trigo

    Shimpaku Kishu - Field Grown - Progress Thread

    Making this thread to share the progress and procedures that, i did / will do, on this juniper. i will leave here the link to the imgur gallery Bought this Shimpaku Kishu on November 03 2022 (late spring) at a famous bonsai grower here in Brazil, it was field grown specifically for bonsai and...
  18. th3ronin

    Punica granatum nana (Pomegranate) repot time

    I have this punica granatum nana, I wanted to repot, from what I noticed researching the best time is the end of winter, early spring, when the tree is sprouting. However, it's still two months before winter's over but it looks like it's already sprouting. When should I perform the repot, now or...
  19. Apex37

    Species that Respond Well to Styling and Repotting

    So I’m getting prepared early planning out my spring repots, soil, supplies I need to buy, etc. It got me thinking more about trees that respond well to pruning/styling and repotting the same time. This works better for some species than others, but I’d love to hear peoples experiences with...
  20. S

    Should I repot?

    6 days ago I was at Lowe's to get some potting soil and couldn't resist the price of their "bonsai" trees. I got a fukien tea. I know everyone hates them but I couldn't resist for only $20 and I previously had one for 1 year that did well until I moved. I live sort of close to Houston, TX, zone...
  21. M

    Pre-Bonsai Starters - Move to larger pot or leave alone?

    Hey all, I am new to bonsai and am thinking about grabbing a few pre-bonsai trees, namely trident maple, black pine, to get comfortable with watering and feeding them properly. I read that it is not a good idea to repot trees in the summer but was wonder if just simply moving them to a larger...
  22. Bad_Bonsai

    Regarding mid summer (emergency) repot.

    Hello, I've a problem with this spruce tree pictured herein, this photo is from a few weeks ago for a series I'm doing—I don't have any good brighter ones at the moment, apologies. What's pertinent here is the soil, today I cleaned up the base a bit—sap, gunk, moss, etc. I noticed that water...
  23. S

    Portulacaria Afra check in (help!)

    Hello my fellow enthusiasts, I posted about this tree a little while ago and could use some advice. I repotted my little portulacaria afra on June 18th (totally dry, as per Adam’s advice), into my homemade mix of lava, pumice, turface, coconut husk and some granite. I then waited a full 10...
  24. blainsai

    Back to nursery pot 4 more size. Help

    Wife got me my 2nd tree from the same old lady and her van on a St. corner. It’s a healthy little tree but I want more tree. Can I just use a cheap black plastic pot that all my other gardening plants come in. Like a 1 gallon? Or do I need something fancy like I see on Also...
  25. B


    I’ve never had an issue with this Brazilian Raintree I’ve had it for about a year and just recently I have started to water with a pan underneath it which was not allowing the water to drain completely for up to a day at a time then the tree started to not open sleeps all the way in the daytime...
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