
  1. Saddler

    Picea Glauca Yamadori test tree.

    I was up north last week transporting an RV back to Vancouver and wanted to collect a few yamadori in various places along the back to test the conditions they were growing in for a future collecting excursion. I found one place that had some amazing trees. Dozens and dozens of trees worth...
  2. Saddler

    Old Timey Cedar

    There is a tree I have seen pictures of in Yellow Stone National Park or some other famous US Park that is probably six feet across, the top is broken off and it's pretty weather beaten. I wish I could find a picture of it. That is the tree I am going for here. The front from different...
  3. Saddler

    Maple Root Stock Acting Weird

    My Father in law bought this lace leave Acer two years ago. This year the root stock pushed out new growth. Looked like a regular palmatum this spring. Then the leaves all turned upside down with leaf bottoms (now top) all pink. Can anyone help me understand what is going on? The root stock...
  4. Saddler

    Acer Saccharum Test Tree #1

    I picked up one of my air layered Acer S. trees yesterday and brought it home so I could watch it closer so I could compare the growth to @wireme tree on this thread I air layered last fall using live moss, put it in a grow box...
  5. Saddler

    Lawnmower Mamed Cotoneaster

    I am hoping this tree is eligible for the mame contest. I was going to wait to start a thread for this tree but I cant figure out how to send pictures in conversations here, so this is my work around. The story behind it is my cousin ran over this (now) little guy with a sit down lawn mower...
  6. Saddler

    Plea for a tree ID from me

    The leaves, or leaf has finally hardened off so I am hoping someone can point me in the right direction. The closest I've found is the Japanese stewartia. I bought a tree last fall because I could see where the tree might go, but mostly I bought it because of the bark. Not knowing...
  7. Saddler

    A Formal Upright Juniper Progression and a Few What Not To Do's

    April 16 2014 A friend was moving out of his condo and wanted to get rid of this juniper, The pot it was in was HUGE! It almost killed me getting it out of the car alone and repotting it. I sort of trimmed it a couple weeks later, mistake 1: sort of trimming it. I should have cut it back...
  8. Saddler

    Hinoki Cypress, is it a cascade style?

    I have had this tree a year and a half. I repotted it last spring and took it to my club last month to get tips on how to style it. Did I ever. This is how it turned out. before: Today Once the wire is off, I'll start work on refining the jins. Any suggestions for a pot? I...
  9. Saddler

    I Dug Up An Urban Yamadori And It Has Orange Jelly Growing In It.

    Is this bad? Ive never seen it before. When I rub it off it looks like it has been eating the bark. Do I burn the tree?
  10. Saddler

    A Jade Tree I Have been "Styling" For Five Years

    My Mom has been growing this tree for almost twenty year in the Yukon. She managed to get it to flower every year, the only Jade trees I have seen in bloom. Every year or so I would go up and prune it back because it would get too big for her and she was afraid of killing it. When she moved...
  11. Saddler

    Multi trunk Yew B

    I bought this yew last fall with dozens of other trees. $20 I think. I started bare rooting it at 3:00 today and my wife was a little pissed that I didn't look close to being finished at six. I was supposed to make dinner. This was a mildly root bound tree. It was slow going, rake the roots...
  12. Saddler

    Multi trunk Yew B

    I bought this yew last fall with dozens of other trees. $20 I think. I started bare rooting it at 3:00 today and my wife was a little pissed that I didn't look close to being finished at six. I was supposed to make dinner. This was a mildly root bound tree. It was slow going, rake the roots...
  13. Saddler

    Cypress sitting on a cliff ROR, help needed.

    I bought this cypress last spring with the intent of putting it on this peoce of jade but didn't have a box big enough for it. After forgetting about it for the winter, I just found my grow box so I need to repot it tonight or tomorrow. Opinions on where I should set it on the rock. I consider...
  14. Saddler

    I'm Not Sure Where To Begin

    I got this cypress last fall for $40 with four others. It was neglected for many years and grew wild. I had to cut a lot of roots coming out of the pot when I collected it. It looks pretty root bound. When I got it home, I trimmed it back to the lowest foliage it had on each branch. It is...
  15. Saddler

    My First Hardware Store Bonsai Attempt. San Jose juniper (I think)

    I bought this sometime around December 2010. I wired it up in the windswept style, looking back it has so many lols. I was so proud of it at the time. Here it is a year ago tomorrow. I can't seem to find any pics between the five years in between these pics. It under went numerous changes...
  16. Saddler

    A Blue Bill Buxus Built To Be a Broom

    I picked up this boxwood as a tester in early April to see how they respond to a heavy hand as it was pretty mangy and lethargic looking. In the first picture I already had the tree for about a month and fertilized it heavily. It sprang back from more yellow then green to what you see. I had...
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