
  1. A

    Ficus tiger bark - pruning advice

    This was a typical S-shaped tiger bark ficus. I air pruned it and chopped it about two years ago. This is is the top part. What an ugly scar. How best to clean this up?
  2. R

    Elm Trunk Scarring?

    Hey everyone! I got this Chinese Elm at Lowes over the summer. At the base there seems to be this strange scarring going on. Any idea what caused this? Will this eventually heal over?
  3. BonsaiDTLA

    Healed scars or wounds on Deciduous

    For many folks, it is prized to have a scar free trunk and seems that time will help blend wounds that have fully closed. In my search to see results after some time has passed, I couldn't find a thread or much record on this other than a couple posts here and there. Given how often we...
  4. Syltis

    How do I help my new Chinese Elm heal this scar?

    Hi! I just aquired a Chinese Elm from Norways only Bonsai Nursery, Taki Bonsai. I liked the trunk and the slight nebari. I have repotted it and plan to let it grow outside and settle this spring before I start working on the branches when it's leaves drop. The branches has been growing wild, so...
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