
  1. Fi5ch

    47 year old collected juniper

    On 8/23 I went by a house that will be demolished next week and paid $20 to dig out this juniper. I'm pretty sure it is an ERC/Juniperus Virginian, and likely ~47 years old as the house was built in 1977. I know that ERC gets a lot of grief as bonsai, but the 5" twisted trunks and tons of...
  2. P

    Help with propagating bushes and root suckers

    Hello, so I've scouted for good plants to propagate and I seem to have found a juniper and a rosemary. Attached are the places I'm considering air layering, do they seem alright? On another note, I've found a lot of alright looking olives but the issue is they are all growing from an existing...
  3. P

    Getting first bonsai/yamadori and general questions

    So I've been interested in bonsai for a while and got a seed kit as a gift. As I imagine you all know, it's slow and inconsistent way. As such I've decided to obtain a grown tree. I have a family member with a farm house and there's a few species there that might work so I'm looking for advice...
  4. Coach_

    Yaupon Holly Yamadaori

    A lady on FB market place was giving these away after digging them up in her yard. They had been dug out for a full day with almost no feeder roots left over. Got them home, wired em into these big pits and filled it with tons of perlite, my inorganic mix and a little bit of coco coir. I...
  5. 80615

    Birch - pruning dead branches immediately after collecting?

    Hi, just this week I collected a birch tree from the wild and placed it in a wooden box. I kept the rootball moist and placed it in a mix that is mostly made up of pumice with 15% bark. Due to my current living situation it only gets a around 4 hours of direct sunlight in the afternoon, but this...
  6. 99 Mile Creek

    Collected American Beech Aftercare

    I’ve come across a few threads on American beech yamadori. I felt I would be able to give it a try with one from my property. This one came from an area in the side of a mountain that is actively being cut down to allow more sunlight through to the ground floor for growth(part of my...
  7. Dystopik

    Help with newly collected Mugo Pine

    Hello all! Last week I have collected this rather young Mugo pine from a crumbling clay ravine. Unfortunately after I started digging it I realised that has 2 tap roots going straight down, which left me with a rather small rootball. Also the roots came out with absolutely no soil on them...
  8. D

    Honeysuckle bonsai

    Hey everyone. There's a honeysuckle in my yard. Not sure what type. Bonsai material? Seems to have cool roots and potential with the thick trunk and bending style. How would you guys chop it and plan for the future? or is it not even worth the time?
  9. Barbells and bonsai

    Possibly dead BC

    Hello, hoping for some advice or even just a diagnosis. I collected two Bald Cypress trees this season. The first tree seems to be doing okay but the larger one I am worried about. It was recommended to me that I not water every day since this can cause root rot. I tried this tactic but the...
  10. Damart81

    First Yamadori Bald Cypress Project Questions

    Hello, I have had this bald cypress yamadori for about a year and a month now. I let it do its thing for a year and now ready to start guiding it with a design. It just started pushing some buds, so I have a couple of questions. I am doing a flat top design but considering different options...
  11. littletreefarmer

    LTF's Pitch Pine #1

    Wanted to start a thread to document the journey of a Pitch Pine I collected with a friend in March of 2023. The tree was originally found to be growing in a small pocket on top of a large granite boulder. I hiked to the tree in the Fall of 2022 to find that it had blown over in its pocket...
  12. littletreefarmer

    Yamadori on Slab Order of Operations

    Good Morning Everyone, I'm in the process of planning out a major slab composition for a collected Pitch Pine and I have thought of a few questions during planning. I collected the tree in question Spring of 2023 so I have another season until I will be thinking of repotting at all, but I want...
  13. Barbells and bonsai

    Bald Cypress yamadori

    Hello again from South Florida, I collected a bald cypress today from swamp property a friend owns. I’m new to bonsai and only have one other tree so far, a black olive. I watched videos regarding repotting after wild collection and tried to follow their examples. My soil is a mix of 80/20...
  14. FreshAirSunshine

    FreshAirSunshine's 2023-2026 ROR Contest Apple Submission

    Not yet a ROR, but I think that's where I'm going to take this collected apple. Recently bought at a club auction and still in field soil. The branches and curve make me want to something semi-cascade-like, but I need some convincing way to get the trunk majorly tilted. Am I stupid thinking...
  15. electraus

    Can anyone help me ID this pine tree?

    Found this and several other great potential subjects on my new property in the foothills of the Sierra nevadas in California, near Sequoia national park. It looks a little big for bonsai. At least much bigger than anything I’m used to, but I also can’t get over how great the trunk movement and...
  16. circledisk

    Preparing a large acer campestre for collection in NC

    Hey everyone, this is my first post here so please forgive me if it's in the wrong forum. I thought of putting it in the Collecting one, but wasn't sure. I am preparing a rather large Acer Campestre yamadori for spring collection. I have collected a few trees in the past but don't have anything...
  17. S

    tea tree or bottlebrush?

    Just moved this yamadori and was curious what species it is? They have strikingly similar leaves but having the trunk so naturally contorted i was not sure. Moved from a property in central nsw Australia. Depending on the plant type was curious how much sunlight would help with surviving also...
  18. Alaskanrocket

    Collected White Spruce (P. Glauca)

    Rarely on my scouting trips do I ever locate anything that has really good potential for a well developed tree and never before in a native soil that allows for confident collection. BUT on my last outing I found this guy which in my opinion holds both good potential and had a great root...
  19. SmallTreeGuy

    Beautiful large Yamadori Oak… possibly not a failure?

    Hey all, So, a month and a half ago, I was given the opportunity from a friend in the construction business to collect some trees from an area that was being closed off and cleared, next to a neighborhood in South Dallas. He knows I like to collect trees and practice bonsai, so he told me that...
  20. RMJoe

    Old White Spruce

    Here's a white spruce I picked up at a club this spring. It was collected in Maine over 20 years ago, and was very potbound. I reported it that weekend, into pure pumice, and have fertilized the heck out of it this year. It grew vigorously all spring and summer, and now it was healthy enough...
  21. SmallTreeGuy

    Should I trim these Crape suckers to redirect energy?

    Hello everyone, I have attached a photo of 2 Crape Myrtles I have collected a little less than a month ago. The other two not shown are in black bags in the shade and misted when needed to try and produce buds. They are being my problem children. Anyways, my two that are growing are shown and...
  22. SmallTreeGuy

    Is there any hope for budding?

    Hello all, A while back I posted about my collection of a Crape Myrtle that I collected from my yard. I’ve attached a picture of the 4 crapes that came from the larger tree. All 4 have roots and are wired into their boxes in a well draining mix. 2 of them seem to be doing well and the buds...
  23. electraus

    Working with naturally occurring deadwood on collected conifers.

    Hi everyone, I recently acquired one of my first pieces of collected material — a Mendocino Pygmy cypress— and I have a question about working with the naturally occurring jin when they still have their outer layer of bark on them and have not been bleached by the sun. Am I supposed to remove...
  24. M

    English Hawthorn / Common Hawthorn

    Hey new to bonsai so bear with me. I live in northwest Oregon and have English Hawthorn growing in my cow pastures. Some of them have been trampled over the years keeping them low and giving them good movement in the trunks. I found this one the other day and have a couple questions. I know...
  25. trigo

    5yr Native Tree Challenge - Trigo's Pitanga (Eugenia Uniflora, Surinam Cherry, Brazil Cherry) - Progress Thread

    Starting late into the challenge, but better late than never right? This is a pitanga yamadori collected on march of 2023, it was left on the ground to recover for 4 months, while on the ground it growed capilary roots closer to the trunk and sprouted some branches bellow the first trunk chop...
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