1 Trident


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A picture of just 1 of my Trident Maples.

(hoping it does not shut the site down again)
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I think it could use more foliage. Maybe a few branches as well. And the trunk is a tad bit thin.

Yeah, and the pot is less than perfect for it, and the soil seems a bit fine...

Which one of you varmits "Stole my Picture"?

Don't make me have to call the big gun in....

GREG!!!!! They stole my tree (picture)!!!
Make them give it back!!!
GREG!!!!! They stole my tree (picture)!!!

I don't think it made it into the database. Put differently, yours might have been the straw that broke the proverbial camel's back - there was one last attempt to upload an attachment at which point my last server host denied the request and blocked the database; yours might have been it :)

We won't have these problems in the future. Based on the changes we are making to the site, we will be able to load approximately 2000 times (?) as many attachments before I run into constraints.
My little shohin Trident did this?

Pretty sad that the little wee tree is blamed...
Opps, Mom, you have been found out!!!
In all seriousness, missed you Bnut while you were down.
So, do I need to reload this one? Or will all the missing pics come back?
Ahhh go ahead and post it up again Irene, we want to see it, don't worry it's all fixed now. And we won't hold it against you, for long;)
No, don't reload them, nothing could beat the images we all have in our heads....

LOL Too Late.....
But you fellas can keep right on with those "VIVID" Imaginations!
This is a decent piece of stock Dorothy. What are your plans for developing the Nebari?

This is a decent piece of stock Dorothy. What are your plans for developing the Nebari?


Have no idea if Dorothy has one like it or not. But for me and this one it has a ways to go.
The Neb is actually pretty dang good on this one. Just can't see it in the pic.
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