A Change of Perspective...

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Bremerton, WA
Many of you have likely seen the beautiful Japanese root stand I got for Eric a couple years ago. I couldn't resist it's beauty when I saw it. We then set out to find a tree to pair with it. And the tree in it's early time with us can be seen here.

I was taking a ton of photos the other day of the trees... and I wanted to see how the tree was progressing in relationship to the stand. So I took this.....


I have always liked this view... it shows off the stand tremendously, and the tree looks beautiful on it at this point. But I was turning it so I could get other views when the most amazing thing happened.... I saw a new side of the stand itself in relationship to the tree. I frankly gasped and promptly turned the tree to match. I made Eric come observe it by approaching with his eyes closed. He was deeply pleased to see the new view when I revealed it to him. We both agreed that the stand was finally complimenting the tree rather than supplanting it. It feels more like a delicate precipice that the tree is clinging to... and the flow of the lines is sublime. The tree looks larger and fits it exceedingly well.

Special props to Mr. Gary Wood who started this tree, and who then also created the pot that it now resides in. We are deeply happy to have such beauty to enjoy, and when paired with it's stand, feels like a match made in heaven.


In parting, I've never been so grateful to do something so backwards in all my life....

Kindest regards,


PS. Normally I'd have put this to the blog first... but I couldn't resist showing it to you all first. *hugs*
Accidental serendipity is such a blessing. Is is better for the tree, that it's not being overpowered by the stand, and the negative space below is really visually exciting. It's really wonderful to gaze at.:)

So now you'll have to find another tree that can trade off with this one, so you can show the stand from the other side too, as that side has such a strong beauty. (and then you'll have the joy of another pairing!)
Nice little tree, but it will look infinitely better if you lower the left side by about 45 degrees, and shorten it by a couple of inches. That will take care of the mushroom top, and create more movement towards the right.
You might have to do a virtual of your thoughts, as I'm not certain I agree about the infinite improvement. The left will be brought down in time, but not yet.... It's still developing. Glad you like out though. :)

Judy... I agree entirely about finding something for the other view. :)

Not to put too fine a point on it....I find two things distracting...well three but three is minor.

One..In your present sublime view, I find the stand seeming rather pigeon breasted. As in trees, this stand has a forward facing view and a backwards facing view. While it seems turned to minimize this as much as possible, it seems that the top portion of the stand seems to be pushing away from me as I view it. This is also distracting when viewing a tree, as the apex should always bow towards the viewer.

Two..In the first view from a year ago, the stand arching to the right and the tree trailing to the right harmonize and seem a unit. In the the current sublime view, the tree stilll archs to the right while the stand archs to the left creating this awkward s-curve. A hogarth curve if you will which seem disconnected to me eye.

Third and more minor...The stand has much more interest from the other side. While I mentioned in your previous post when you first showed it that the stand seemed massive compared to the tree, it still had the many lines and fissures that helped break up the massiveness of the root. From the back is is just more smooth and bulky and has little interest.

Just my opinions for what they are worth. I truely love the tree, and it is progressing great. Just still not thrilled with it paired on this stand.
I always appreciate your considered opinions my friend. I'll spend some time thinking about what you've said and respond after a few martinis.... lol... (getting ready for a night on the town).... :cool: - V
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I've seen you after Tequilla and that wasn't so good. Maybe you should wait untill tomorrow to post.

Blast from the past darling.....


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I really like both views for different reasons... this first seems to flow together very well, while the second reminds me of the trees I see in the mountains on cliff sides. Both have a great vibe to me. :)
That stand is awesome (as you already know), and the tree is coming along nicely as well. I think I prefer the first image to the second. On the second pic, my eye starts at the bottom, heads left but seems to struggle making that hairpin right turn along with the pine.

just my newb opinion, to be sure. Thanks for sharing.
On the second pic, my eye starts at the bottom, heads left but seems to struggle making that hairpin right turn along with the pine.

I see your point...but from what I see in nature (and art) tension can make an image more dramatic. Tension is not always a bad thing...(to me anyway). I'm fairly newb as well...just the way I see things :)

On a side thought, maybe it's easier for my eyes to follow that movement because I see movement like this every time I'm in the mountains...especially collecting.
Nice little tree, but it will look infinitely better if you lower the left side by about 45 degrees, and shorten it by a couple of inches. That will take care of the mushroom top, and create more movement towards the right.

excellent observation .... especially since that is the only section of the tree that is not wired ....
On a side thought, maybe it's easier for my eyes to follow that movement because I see movement like this every time I'm in the mountains...especially collecting.

this may also be why it seems so appealing to us.... the strong drama etc.... I'm personally not so bothered by the weight issues .....

thanks to all for their comments and of course we appreciate the discussion .... it is a fun and interesting project to see as it progresses :)
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