Acer Palmatum pre-bonsai question.


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Hey there!

This is my first post here, and im writing from Norway so if the spelling isnt correct, you know why :)
I bought a japanese maple sold as a bonsai in a bonsai pot. They had cut one of the two leafs on every stem to one. Dont know why. And i put it into a bigger pot for it to grow bigger and make good branches. Just wondering what you guys would do in my case with this tree?


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Assuming you didn't do too much damage to the roots, what you did was fine. Now just let it grow for two or three years while you read and learn about bonsai.
Yeah that was my idea as well. Thanks for the reply!
I have read many articles and watched all videos i could fins. So just want to have some more input from other enthusiasts.
Enda en viking her ja :D

Ønsker deg velkommen inn og du har kommet til riktig sted hehe, mange veldig erfarne og hyggelige folk her inne.

Er ganske ny når det kommer til bonsai selv så vi har vel en del og lære begge to men hvor i landet er du og hvor gammel ? :)

Just saying hello to a fellow country man in norwegian guys :)
Enda en viking her ja :D

Ønsker deg velkommen inn og du har kommet til riktig sted hehe, mange veldig erfarne og hyggelige folk her inne.

Er ganske ny når det kommer til bonsai selv så vi har vel en del og lære begge to men hvor i landet er du og hvor gammel ? :)

Just saying hello to a fellow country man in norwegian guys :)


Kult å se at det er flere nordmenn her :D
Som nicket tilsier så er jeg 87 modell, så du kan regne ut selv, hehe.
Bor i Oppland fylke, like ved Gjøvik hvis du vet hvor det er.
Enn du ?
Kan skrive mer norsk på PM kanskje, siden det tross alt er en engelsk side ;)

That's it for the norwegian typing, sorry about that :)
Sorry for the thread jack- just wanted to say hi. My grandparents came over from Arendal. Best of luck with the maple.

ps for those who haven't seen the Norwegian movie Trollhunter- SEE IT!
Hi:) no worries, anyone is free to reply in this thread, always up for a chat and tips for my maple :)
Also new here and in bonsai, so nice to meet some new people :)
Welcome to the site.
I agree it's a great idea to just let a tree be for a couple years and make sure you are able to keep it healthy and get it to thrive.
After that in my mind the most important thing to decide is whether or not you want to:

A) Start working on branches and ramification soon and accept having a fairly small trunk base or

B) Do you want to grow it out for a while (like a few years or more) to develop a base and then cut it back and spend a couple more years developing the next trunk section then cut it back then spend another 1-2 yrs developing the next trunk section while you start working on branch starts. After that you'd get into branches and ramification.

It all depends on whether or not you want to invest the time to have a larger trunked tree or if you just want to start getting into branches now (soon rather.)

Thanks for the responsen Ian!
I was maybe thinking og a medium size tree,
Or even a shohin size, so i dont know if i need any thicker trunk. Dell see next year how the tree is and maybe think of something then. And what to do with the twin trunk thing. If i should take one off, or keep it.

What do you think?
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I'm personally not a big fan of the twin trunk slingshot type image but some like it.
I'd probably keep one trunk. You can let them both grow, however, until you get your desired base trunk diameter.
I'm personally not a big fan of the twin trunk slingshot type image but some like it.
I'd probably keep one trunk. You can let them both grow, however, until you get your desired base trunk diameter.
Yeah i agree. The really nice ones i have seen was with a single trunk.
Maybe i should just remove the smallest legg trunk. To redirect all the energy to the main trunk.
Should i wait with that until late winter? Since the tree is dormant then. Whats your thought about that?
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