Best steps for European hornbeam


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Canton Ohio
Looking for best method to continue building this tree. Just acquired this from local nursery who has a small bonsai section. Paid $149 which didn’t think was too bad.

Couple things I notice Is branching comes out on both sides virtually at same plane (lower branches) but nothing towards the back really unless I keep one of these branches and prune it to back which already has a branch heading that way.

This is my biggest tree and really only one that has decent trunk so any feedback is appreciated. FYI lower branches seem pliable if wire is added.

Assume I would Pick front to hide the large cut at top although sure it will heal over time so not 100% sure of that yet.


Left branch and right branch (lower branches) right branch also heads to rear of tree shown below



Top view looking down from top


Right lower branch which heads out and to back of tree
Have green net behind tree to protect from deer. If you look close at 4th picture there is orange netting around a newly planted dogwood tree that deer defoliated for me 🤦‍♂️ so got netting up around that tonight.
Well no advice so at least tried to wire both branches down. One branch was easier than other.


When was this chopped?
Whomever did it should have sealed that cut.
I'm not seeing any callus rolling over it.
Looks like it might be dried out along those edges?

It's hard to give advice because we really can't see the tree behind all the leaves.

Let it grow for now and post more pictures in the fall after it's leaves have fallen off and we can get a better view of the tree's structure
Yeah not sure when chopped as I just acquired it couple weeks ago. And you’re right it was not sealed. I assume I will need to scrape it and seal it at some point but not sure if I need to let it grow more on top before doing that? Agree hard to make out structure with leaves. Will post pics when not in leaf. Was just trying to get some wire on branches while still pliable.
Went ahead and scraped to expose Cambrian layer around large cut at top today and sealed cut. Tried to scape out some near cut as well to allow wound to roll over but was difficult with just a razor blade knife. Not sure what best tool for that is but guessing I don’t have it 😂



Cutting away later:



Looks like there is still some cambium there after you scraped it. Razor blade knife should work. If not an exacto knife with a nice thin, sharp edge would also work.
It should heal better if covered up.
Looks like there is still some cambium there after you scraped it. Razor blade knife should work. If not an exacto knife with a nice thin, sharp edge would also work.
It should heal better if covered up.
Yes scraped to cambrium layer tonight and covered it.
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