Bonsai article

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Wilmington, NC

This is my first post here, but I enjoy reading the board. I've had a few trees for about four years now, and I write for a small company in Wrightsville Beach, N.C. that puts out a weekly newspaper and a monthly magazine.

In our current issue of the magazine, which came out about a week ago, I got to do an introductory level article about bonsai and the local bonsai club. Thought some of you might be interested in checking it out.

It's If you scroll down the page and click on the link to the article, it'll give you the text. But if you click on the link where it shows the cover of the issue (Aug. '07), it'll open up a window with a "virtual copy" of the magazine, which shows the full page layouts with photos and ads. It's a little cumbersome to navigate, but if you click on the table of contents, you can click on any story to go straight there.

I was really impressed with the trees the local guys had, and our photographer did a great job shooting them.

Anyway, yeah, it's a shameless plug, but check it out!

Wrightsville Beach Magazine
There was an article in the Omaha newspaper about bonsai a while back which I wish would have been as informative as this one. The "expert" they consulted was someone who worked in the houseplants section at one of the box stores and said that given our climate only tropicals were suitable for bonsai since anything that had to stay outside would freeze. It was pretty depressing and makes this article stand out that much more to me.
Congratulations for appearing in print. Somehow I have an overwhelming urge to but a Rolex (even though I don't wear watches nor can afford one) or look at ocean front condos...

By the way I did enjoy your society's display at the Carolina Bonsai Expo - good stuff everywhere.
Congratulations and thank you for putting forth the effort to inform and enlighten the community.

Thanks, guys. I really enjoyed getting to meet the guys from the local club, and the club president was really helpful throughout the process, especially with getting some trees in here to shoot in the studio, which took up most of a whole day for him and our photographer. There seems to be some good interest here in the area for the Cape Fear Bonsai Society, which is a relatively young club. Hopefully the article will help create some additional interest; the club is kind of low profile, and you wouldn't know it was here unless you were specifically looking for it. So I was glad to be able to give them a little publicity.
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