Bonsai vs Trees


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Ok... here is another topic that has certainly been talked about before. I think there are even couple of famous quotes out there from Mr. Naka and Mr. Pall on this topic.

When you look at your your trees look like bonsai or trees?
When you go to style a tree...are you creating something in the image of a bonsai or in the image of a tree?

When I look at my collection I see both...I guess generally I could say that my deciduous stuff looks more like trees and my conifers have a tendency to look more like general I think all of it could benefit from an emphasis toward more naturalistic.

In the past year or so I have found myself drawn to creating (or attempting to create) more "naturalistic" compositions. I have also found myself studying and photographing natural trees more often.

Does it really matter??? No, probably not when it comes down to the individual, but I would be interested to hear the thoughts of others on how they view their collections and what their vision is during the creation process.

I agree that this topic is similar...but what do you see when you look at your trees?
I agree that this topic is similar...but what do you see when you look at your trees?

On a more serious note, what I see isn't what I want to see. I guess I could say I see trees that aren't living up to their , or my, potential. Of the many ,many trees I have, I must admit that only a couple truly represent what I would consider "jumping out at me" with feelings of originality and naturalness. When these trees "spoke" to me, and I was able to reveal the bonsai inside screaming to be let, I felt a "high" that still resonates today when I look at those trees. I also feel the way way you described about seeking a naturalistic feel for my trees in the designing there of. Yet bringing this out is a hurdle I have yet to be able to jump successfully, kinda like a block. I keep trying though, even if the hurdles keep tripping me because I want that "high" again.
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