Boxwood - watering


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I purchased a boxwood over a month ago. It has been growing over a rock with the roots and moss showing. I've seen new growth as well as some leaves that have fallen off. No yellowing or brown leaves, but the leaves that felt off still look greenish.


I've been spraying the roots over the rock/moss and watering the tree just to make sure the soil is somewhat moist. I do let the soil on top get a bit dry before i water the tree. Should I water the boxwood more often?

Boxwood leaves that got damaged (maybe while moving, etc.) may stay green but dry up. It is normal.

No, too much water can do more harm than good. Boxwood prefer dryer side than wet...but not bone dry.
If it is a Kingsville Boxwood, I would employ the chopstick water meter. All of mine stay damp, morning sun only, conventional bonsai fertilizer mixed into the water, and are in excellent horticultural condition. My root over rock is more mature, and a different species, but I dont intentionally water the roots on the rock. The water uptake system is below grade, so they get what they need when the tree is watered, just like trees that are not RoR. Hope this helps.
Maybe you could post a pic of your boxwood.
Start video at 1:27

I may have to water a bit less. I'm using the chopstick water meter. I'm also going to bring this tree home because i'm not sure about the indoor setup. It looks fine, but I don't want to kill it.
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