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Salt Lake CIty Utah
Kireji 裂地 is the proper term for speaking about cloths mounted into Kakejiku, makimono or byoubu.
This one was ordered about a month ago...The jikusaki is Kokutan (Ebony Stain). Kakejiku made for an Iaido practitioner. Will need to click the picture to see it up close.
Kokutan Jikusaki_Kireji_Ichimonji Compressed 2.jpg
Iaido Scroll Flash Compressed.jpg
I am sure it is hard to capture the fine thread work with a camera. It looks really high quality to me.
I am sure it is hard to capture the fine thread work with a camera. It looks really high quality to me.

Actually I was referring to the 模様 Moyouwhich is a pattern figure or design in the cloth, which also happens to be the same characters as that for the Moyougi style bonsai...
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