Donald Trump.

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I thought this was an interesting graphic - particularly as someone who lives on the West Coast. It shows which parts of the country shifted their political leaning between 2012 and 2016. LOL what's up with Utah? But all joking aside, it shows that the biggest change was in the MidWest and East. The West (for the most part) voted the same as in 2012.

As someone from Utah, a lot of people here were (and are) really ticked about Trump as a person. He's said some pretty terrible things that paint a pretty ugly picture of the individual that's going to occupy the Oval Office for at least the next 4 years (assuming he doesn't botch it and get kicked out). But I also think a lot of people recognized that the policies from Hillary would be more damaging than Trump. I didn't see a lot of people moving left, but just moving out to third parties. Some people did move left out of disgust, but in my opinion they failed to see that Hillary was just as revolting of an individual. Her tongue is just more silver than his, so she came off better at the mic.

On the topic of data, here's the popular vote numbers for the last three election cycles. Interesting that Trump was pretty much inline with the previous Republican party candidates, but Hillary was way off Obama's numbers. I agree that it seems a lot of people were just fed up with the DC machine and Trump was the only way out.

McCain: 59,948,323
Obama: 69,498,516

Romney: 60,933,504
Obama: 65,915,795

Trump: 59,265,360
Clinton: 59,458,773
I am no longer shocked.

I realized some things....

This is just a real thick piece of wool.

Probly from New Zealand sheep....


The "reptilians", the "elite", the "mother's fuckers who pay the 'men in black' ", the Puppeteers....

Have found another Show to present.

At the core....he doesn't shy away from the "agenda", and that's all they need.

Throw on top like a juicy Cherry the fact that "social (fuck your mind) media" was the track to success.....
And what we have is a....

Really God Damn thick piece of wool.

More Fear....

But you, yes YOU, are oddly happy.....

It simply doesn't matter....

We'll teeter on the verge of "something different" forever.....

Take in the World, the trees on the mountains we argue about, take in the morning air, the sunrises......
Feel the Sunrise put a NEW Day in your soul.

The thing about the "elite"....
The ones that utilize Cryogenics, and have a ticket on the "New World Arc"......

Just like regular man cannot fathom time beyond his own....

They do not understand that this shit doesn't mean anything to US.

We have End Dates....

They feed you shit to make you forget that, so you ....SIMPLY DON'T ENJOY YOUR TIME ALIVE.

US being here, talking about this AT ALL, is part of the plan.

You want more.?

I got More.


My daughter is 6, soon enough I will have to explain to her what is Really going on.

While the "suburban white lady" is worried about the "P" word.....

And a "black dude" is now afraid to go to Southern Illinois.
As if the KKK is somehow stronger NOW, already, than before.


Both Woolen thoughts.

To the Trump supporters: win gracefully, no need to gloat over this perceived victory

To the Clinton supporters: lose gracefully, no need to have a tantrum over this perceived loss

To everyone (Trump supporters, Clinton supporters, 3rd party candidate supporters and non-voters): Try to find a way to help our extremely and deeply divided nation heal.
If the division and divisiveness that we have seen in this campaign and the last 6 or so years is allowed to persevere, the consequences may be something that none of us want to see.
If we can not come together as a people, as Americans and as a nation, we may find that we will continue down a slippery slope that will take a very long time to recover from if ever.
I am no longer shocked.

I realized some things....

This is just a real thick piece of wool.

Probly from New Zealand sheep....


The "reptilians", the "elite", the "mother's fuckers who pay the 'men in black' ", the Puppeteers....

Have found another Show to present.

At the core....he doesn't shy away from the "agenda", and that's all they need.

Throw on top like a juicy Cherry the fact that "social (fuck your mind) media" was the track to success.....
And what we have is a....

Really God Damn thick piece of wool.

More Fear....

But you, yes YOU, are oddly happy.....

It simply doesn't matter....

We'll teeter on the verge of "something different" forever.....

Take in the World, the trees on the mountains we argue about, take in the morning air, the sunrises......
Feel the Sunrise put a NEW Day in your soul.

The thing about the "elite"....
The ones that utilize Cryogenics, and have a ticket on the "New World Arc"......

Just like regular man cannot fathom time beyond his own....

They do not understand that this shit doesn't mean anything to US.

We have End Dates....

They feed you shit to make you forget that, so you ....SIMPLY DON'T ENJOY YOUR TIME ALIVE.

US being here, talking about this AT ALL, is part of the plan.

You want more.?

I got More.

View attachment 122620

My daughter is 6, soon enough I will have to explain to her what is Really going on.

While the "suburban white lady" is worried about the "P" word.....

And a "black dude" is now afraid to go to Southern Illinois.
As if the KKK is somehow stronger NOW, already, than before.


Both Woolen thoughts.

I really don't think that any "black dudes" will or for any reason should be afraid to go to Southern Illinois :(
I think a lot of the people who voted for change in 2008 (Obama) voted for change in 2016 (Trump).

Time will tell if anything changes. But it doesn't stop the two national parties from trying to mind control everyone and spin things to their advantage.
To the Trump supporters: win gracefully, no need to gloat over this perceived victory

To the Clinton supporters: lose gracefully, no need to have a tantrum over this perceived loss

To everyone (Trump supporters, Clinton supporters, 3rd party candidate supporters and non-voters): Try to find a way to help our extremely and deeply divided nation heal.
If the division and divisiveness that we have seen in this campaign and the last 6 or so years is allowed to persevere, the consequences may be something that none of us want to see.
If we can not come together as a people, as Americans and as a nation, we may find that we will continue down a slippery slope that will take a very long time to recover from if ever.
I agree with everything you said. Just saw on the news there are 7 cities protesting the results. So if Clinton wins everything is great but if Trump wins we have a broken system. I don't remember any protesting win Obama won but I could be wrong. Not a Trump fan but I'm hoping for best.
I agree with everything you said. Just saw on the news there are 7 cities protesting the results. So if Clinton wins everything is great but if Trump wins we have a broken system. I don't remember any protesting win Obama won but I could be wrong. Not a Trump fan but I'm hoping for best.

this ridiculousness is partly to blame for trump winning the presidency!!!!!! people are sick and tired of candy assed whiny cupcakes crying every time they dont get their way, getting offended at the least little thing, and declaring everyone with a different viewpoint a racist, redneck, fascist, xenophobe etc etc etc. - this backlash was used to increase support for trump.

burning the flag? they need to go find another to live under. alot of people have given their lives for that flag that these disrespectful pieces of shit hate so much. i doubt any of these whiny asses have ever truly worked or sacrificed a damn thing in their lives.
was it you that predicted trump would win the popular vote but lose the electoral collage? funny how the opposite happened.
was it you that predicted trump would win the popular vote but lose the electoral collage? funny how the opposite happened.

I was pretty confident the results were going to be much closer than the media was portraying. I didn't think Trump was going to win though.

Call it the Brexit effect. You have the entire national media raving about how Trump would be the anti-christ. Then you have all of Hollywood coming out saying if you vote for Trump you are an evil racist bastard. Then you have the standing President, and the 2nd prior President, both campaigning for the Democratic nominee (remember when the President used to represent ALL the people?). Prior to the election, you couldn't find a person in the country who was willing to say (in public) that they were going to vote for Trump. No one is willing to listen, so they are all stunned when their shouting doesn't influence the outcome.

Exact same thing happened in the UK.
Consider, simply consider, the platform Trump was stumping was to get America back to our constitutional roots. That archaic, ancient document and list of rights that so many current polititions are so totally ignoring.

Surprise!!! Maybe, just maybe there are still enough polititions (apparently there are) that have a similar view as the common man and can see "We The People" and this United States of America are fed up with the shafting from our greedy polititions and the direction they've been taking us the last view decades.

For those of you anti-Trumpers that still don't see it, I'd suggest, only suggesting, you go back to the history books and reread where we came from and why we set up "our" government the way they did. ... ... ...

But I digress. I know, I know, don't confuse the issue with the facts.

History does repeat itself, but it's too bad we can't begin to at least pay a little more attention to our past mistakes and what we should'a learned.

And that "constitution", please don't allow anyone to try and convince you "it's just some archaic concept".

SOOOOOO GREAT to see nice conservative opinion from neighboring state:D!
To the Trump supporters: win gracefully, no need to gloat over this perceived victory

To the Clinton supporters: lose gracefully, no need to have a tantrum over this perceived loss

To everyone (Trump supporters, Clinton supporters, 3rd party candidate supporters and non-voters): Try to find a way to help our extremely and deeply divided nation heal.
If the division and divisiveness that we have seen in this campaign and the last 6 or so years is allowed to persevere, the consequences may be something that none of us want to see.
If we can not come together as a people, as Americans and as a nation, we may find that we will continue down a slippery slope that will take a very long time to recover from if ever.

Second biggest "legacy" of the Ohomo administration was set back race relations at least to 1960's. THAT is something most difficult to undo in 4 or 8 years. The criminally and uncivilized inclined blacks aren't inclined to think any way(or at all)except THEY are victims and superior to everybody that does not think as they do:rolleyes:.
my ignore list.
Actually learnt it at puppy school last week. When misbehaving because of attention cravings, ignore it for a while. It has to learn to behave in a civilized environment. Off course its not good to ignore for to long, so I'll be lifting it soon... in the hope for behavioral improvements.
OK, I know you said you're done, so I'll simply use your last words to reiterate my point. "History repeats itself". The expanded meaning of this typically is that "the mistakes of history oftentimes repeat themselves".
This I fully agree with. Learn. But do not live there. Calling people Nazi because their profile sais they are from Germany is very different from learning from the past.
It almost seems that politicians in Europe talk more about the elections in USA than doing their jobs. We all know that politicians rarely do what they say, so it might be good or it might be bad, we don't know... Winning an election and doing the job is a different thing. Lets hope for the best.
was it you that predicted trump would win the popular vote but lose the electoral collage? funny how the opposite happened.
I was wrong.
I'm surprised, they ARE letting trump in there....
It's still shocking to me.
I thought that the vote, the whole process was just a sham, to make the people "feel" like they're actually doing something.
I guess, living in a state like MD, where my outlook is dimmer than most, took it's toll.
Every day here is like a grueling test of will for a right thinking person.

So basically, it seems worse here, worse than it really is out there.
Just glad that I was wrong. I'm glad that the country isn't lost, at least not as far gone as I thought.

To the Trump supporters: win gracefully, no need to gloat over this perceived victory

To the Clinton supporters: lose gracefully, no need to have a tantrum over this perceived loss

To everyone (Trump supporters, Clinton supporters, 3rd party candidate supporters and non-voters): Try to find a way to help our extremely and deeply divided nation heal.
If the division and divisiveness that we have seen in this campaign and the last 6 or so years is allowed to persevere, the consequences may be something that none of us want to see.
If we can not come together as a people, as Americans and as a nation, we may find that we will continue down a slippery slope that will take a very long time to recover from if ever.
As you said, the last 6 years, I'd say 7+, has created the largest divisions ever in our culture. This is a direct result of Obama's identity politics and racism.
Hillary wanted to continue Obama's legacy of hate, so I guess it's a good thing Trump one.
Now we'll have a president who at less "acts" like he loves his country.
I am so sick of hearing Obama trash America at every opportunity.
Obama has been a total disgrace to America, and the world.
Time to out the big but pants back on, and get shit straightened out around here.
Hopefully when Obama is gone, we'll be able to go a whole day without hearing our president racialize every topic of conversation, because most of the time, the topic at hand has nothing to do with race.
But leave it up to Obama and the progressives to turn anything and everything into a race war.
It will take a unifier like Trump, to heal the wounds the progressives have inflicted on us all.

We're all Americans under Trump.

Under Obama, we're small groups of voting blocks, based on race, class and gender, who need to be pandered to or completely disregarded.
This I fully agree with. Learn. But do not live there. Calling people Nazi because their profile sais they are from Germany is very different from learning from the past.

I don't think your a Nazi, anymore than I hope you don't really think we are all white supremists. I was only offended at your statement and it's overly broad generalization.
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