Donald Trump.

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you've based your decision on something.
You also have nor paid enough attention to what I have said previously about my beliefs.
Done repeating.
It's cool.
All we can do is hope for the best and expect the worst.....that's my basic philosophy, worked out well so far, considering so many of my peers are now dead or in prison.
Well what do you expect.
They have straight white men to make fun of again.
The last 8 years, all of them we're too scared to make fun of the Messiah, Barry Hussein from Honolulu.
I mean, after all, the twisted jackasses on snl wouldn't want the entire news media to call them racists....

If it wasn't for double standards, liberals would have no standards at all.
I mean, after all, the twisted jackasses on snl wouldn't want the entire news media to call them racists....

When the time comes that everyone is called a racist because they don't think the same way you do, it kinda looses it's meaning; don'tch'a think?

Name calling it a typical adolescent behaviour, that generally narrows as we age to a point where labelling someone with any tag is left to the Courts... when I see someone label another because their belief system isn't the same, to me, it speaks more to the person who is doing the name calling, than it does to the one being labelled... first off, it indicates to me that that person is incapable of making a clear, understandable, and legitimate argument regarding their position... but that's cool, we can't all have the same beliefs or opinions; that's what makes the world go round.
When the time comes that everyone is called a racist because they don't think the same way you do, it kinda looses it's meaning; don'tch'a think?

Name calling it a typical adolescent behaviour, that generally narrows as we age to a point where labelling someone with any tag is left to the Courts... when I see someone label another because their belief system isn't the same, to me, it speaks more to the person who is doing the name calling, than it does to the one being labelled... first off, it indicates to me that that person is incapable of making a clear, understandable, and legitimate argument regarding their position... but that's cool, we can't all have the same beliefs or opinions; that's what makes the world go round.
Come on, really.
Man, that for over your head like a predator drone, crashing into trees in CO.
You'd think that people would realize that this is a web site for people who have the capability, means, and general knowledge (or the ability to search for the knowledge) to make and formulate a solid argument or defend a position or statement. Many of the people here have degrees, doctorates, and have achieved notoriety in their own right... you can't "force" people into your way of thinking, just because you demand that they do so. what conservative people are subjected to be the mews media, by Hollywood, by TV, by printed publication.
I am not calling, I'm simply pointing out the hypocrisy on the left.

Resorting to what is known as "political gobble-d-gook" to defend a wounded pride, is always a clear sign to me that the person either cannot formulate a better way to convey their message, feels a desperate need to defend their team, or simply knows that their message or opinion is wrong... it's a "tell", and it shows a great deal of weakness, IMHO.
force" people into your way
Not my goal.
I like diversity in thought, as opposed to the monolithic left.
And by the way, you can say what you will about what I said, but I'm right.
This is about safety. That's it.
Just sounding the alarm is all.
Ignore it if you want to.
I don't care
I believe we will see Blood in the Streets between the LWL know nothing Dreamer's, Idealist's and the
RWC Pragmatic, Realist's...its almost there now in the Senate...
I believe we will see Blood in the Streets between the LWL know nothing Dreamer's, Idealist's and the
RWC Pragmatic, Realist's...its almost there now in the Senate...
Yup, the way the Dumb voters seem to have no basic respect for the ideas of anybody except for their own, indeed, at some point the bubble will burst. There is only so much stupidity people are willing to accept.
@Bolero I don't think it will come to that. but if there is a civil war, I suspect it will be between the rich and poor, not between left and right.
I love all the foreigners on here clamoring about the social shortcomings of Trump and telling people how stupid they are, when in fact they are the ones that are ignorant of the situation of middle class America. There is a saying here when a surprise candidate wins an election: It's the economy, stupid. And that's what happened. The middle class, after year of 0 representation in government, finally stood up and told the Democrats (who represent the poor) and the Republicans (who represent the rich) where they could stick it. Economic issues trump social issues every time.

You guys can come here all day and argue religion and social justice all you want. But you're ignoring or ignorant of the most important issue of the past election. Try doing a little research about America's shrinking middle class. According to multiple studies, it has shrunk, as a percentage of overall population, by 30 to 40 percent over the past 30 years.

If I had all day, I could go into a lot more detail. But with the likelihood of it changing your mind, what's the point?
@Stan Kengai I agree with you, but I fail to see how is trump going to help those people. just look at his cabinet, it's filled with billionaires. one example: his pick for small businesses administrator is the owner of WWE which consistently screws over its employees bc they're "independent contractors" so they don't to provide health insurance.
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