Donald Trump.

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Talk about regressive.....jeez!
These people want to take race relations back to the 50's.....actually they act as if nothing has changed since the 50's (which is BS, of course, but it is amusing due the fact that it's a tantamount admission of their own ineffectiveness. Of course that type of irony flies clear over liberal's heads.) And they want a socialist Thatcher was right, socialism is great until you run out of everyone else's money.
I say that if you claim to want socialism in America (more than we already have, which is waaaaay too much) you are simply an Obama type. An Obama type is someone who wants to basically destroy America, you think America is evil, and you think that America is the problem in the world, when all evidence points to the contrary. With these anti-American sympathies swirling in your mind constantly, like a disease, you want to bring America to its knees. Now, you know you can't do that in a forward and upfront manner, because the world's strongest military will stomp you like a poisonous bug, which you are, so you do it through subversion. Trying to implement socialism on American society is an anti-American subversive tactic, and you ought to self-deport yourself.
Go somewhere where your old worn-out ideas of utopian paradise are still keeping people in chains, like Venezuela, yeah go there.
Hey, @10-brink ,
Have you ever heard of social security....?
It's one of America's biggest mistakes ever and it is slowly crippling our nation, just wait and see.
It's a great example of how and why socialism is not sustainable....
I guess for people like you though, Obama types, that's all part of the plan.....
Just like Mao in China....and all the others, who implement your methods, and have half of their population starve to death....
I think that is the plan....
They just hope that all the dissenters starve first, right....?
Wow, wow....
.......ya know what, forget it, like I said before, just stay in the dark, in the dark stay on the wrong side of history and the wrong side of the future....
FACTS are that your methods have lead to the murder or death of over 100million people, and you call that a success. Sick.
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Here's on for you quivering liberal snowflakes....just to get into your heads a little more.....
What do liberals call 50% of the African American population being killed via abortion......
Wait for it.....

A good start!
Boddabing boddaboom!
You're all sick. are you for or against the death penalty? I know 6 people that voted for Trump, 3 of them where votes against Hilary. I couldn't vote for either.
America is the Land of Opportunity and the Immigrants of the World know this to be true, I see them all the time...Arab or Middle Eastern, Eastern European, Mexican, India, Chinese & other Asians and others...

They open Mom & Pop stores, small but servicing the communities they set up in, Gas Stations, Bar's,
Ethnic Resturant's, Machine shops, and on and on and on...

They have great work ethics, the whole family works...Often those without family here work to send their money back home for the family to come over........

They know that there is nowhere else in the World like this...

No Republican or Democrat Ideology at work here just Plain Ole Hard Work & Opportunity...

99% of those that I speak of have come here, USA, legally and work toward becoming USA citizens...

America, the Land of Opportunity...

Side Note: The Pseudo Intellects like Sawgrass and 10-brink just need to get their minds out of their Ideologic Mindset's and look at the real America...
Trump's pick for labor secretary's company is being sued for wage theft. you can't make this shit up!

Not only can you make this shit up, that's exactly what happened here. CKE wasn't the one sued. The franchisees were sued. The franchisor does not - and really cannot - guarantee the franchisee's compliance with the myriad of wage and hour statutes, regulations and opinion letters. The one link that claims to reference a suit for corporate-owned store wage policies doesn't support that claim, and it describes it in a way that makes little sense to me, as wage and hour lawyer with thousands of such cases, including many large class actions and high profile cases against companies like CKE. It makes it sound like you can't switch your salaried employees to hourly pay when the compensation test threshold goes up. But you can - and should. So if there is such a lawsuit pending, it is not as described in the article.

Trump is an honest person, it's part of being generally conservative.
He doesn't need to lie.

He lies regularly. Blatantly. About big and small stuff, even on matters where everyone knows immediately he's lying.

Also, he's not generally conservative. He may be allowing conservatives to call his shots right now, but he's not a good conservative.
What do liberals call 50% of the African American population being killed via abortion
Fake news being used by you to deflect the real questions and problems. Just like Trump is trying to do.
Trump got elected by playing on your fears. I get it. You're afraid.
Fear is what he got elected on.
Screenshot_20170201-201743.jpg are you for or against the death penalty? I know 6 people that voted for Trump, 3 of them where votes against Hilary. I couldn't vote for either.
I'd say that in certain circumstances, it might be appropriate....but my preferred method for dealing with criminals is much much worse than death, and would be much more effective as well, more effective than jail, prison, or death.
Also, you are clearly trying to equate the death penalty with abortion, which is totally absurd.
Also, he's not generally conservative. He may be allowing conservatives to call his shots right now, but he's not a good conservative
Yeah, I agree....
He's not a conservative, he's more right than left though.
You know, that's part of his problem, he's not an ideologue.
If he was more of an ideologue, he'd be better off and not so wishy washy. are you for or against the death penalty? I know 6 people that voted for Trump, 3 of them where votes against Hilary. I couldn't vote for either.
Also, my vote was against Hilary, please don't forget that....
Some people may think that I am a huge Trump supporter, though I have specified otherwise.
Honestly its just all anti Hilary over here, that's all.
Because, as Barry told us, she'd have been his 3rd term, and I don't want the jihadists to take over the homeland.
That press conference Trump just had, so hilarious!
I love watching the left squirm. It's just great, it brings me so much joy I can't even put it into words.
I heard Donald had a stroke on live television today can anyone confirm if he is ok?
Fake news being used by you to deflect the real questions and problems. Just like Trump is trying to do.
Trump got elected by playing on your fears. I get it. You're afraid.
Fear is what he got elected on.
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Mike, this is not fake, it's common knowledge to anyone who studies these things, even casually...
Planned Parenthood was started by the racist eugenicist Margaret Sanger, who wanted a single white race.
They set up their abortion clinics in black neighborhoods.
Hilary Clinton has a Margaret Sanger Award on her mantel.....these sick people give each other awards for this kind of horrible behavior.....
If you look at NY alone the number is 60% of African American pregnancies end in abortion....50% nationally....and this is a liberal success story.
Good job democrats, feel proud.
That press conference Trump just had, so hilarious!
I love watching the left squirm. It's just great, it brings me so much joy I can't even put it into words.
Just deflection and diversion from him and his aides involvement with Russia during the election.
I love watching him getting caught with his alternative facts. Like the one about him having the highest electoral college votes since Reagan. When in reality he didnt. don't worry, I've got a few ARs in the basement :). and please, stop calling Obama a socialist. he's not, and as an actual socialist, it's kinda offensive.

@Bolero I've lived in the "real america" (whatever that's supposed to mean) my whole life. what do I see? people that don't go to the doctor when they're sick because they can't afford it. while every other 1st world country provides health care to all citizens. I see people working two or three shitty jobs just to be able to afford food and rent, while the owners of those companies lobby for more tax breaks, less regulations and fly around in their private jets. that's why I'm a socialist, because everyone deserves a decent life, not just those who can make a profit. we have the resources to provide for all, but the rich would rather hoard it all to themselves.
I'm a socialist, because everyone deserves a decent life, not just those who can make a profit. we have the resources to provide for all, but the rich would rather hoard it all to themselves.
Total crap.
You think the private sector is an eternal cash cow, and you're wrong.
The well will dry up if people like you win.
The private sector would cease to produce, why would they?
Plus, the so-called 1% already pay over half of the total federal taxes, and 47% of Americans pay nothing, not to mention all the criminal aliens.
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