Donald Trump.

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No more than yours.
If you don't like them don't read them.
Now why don't you run along and go play in the sandbox.

But the political opinions of old generations have a proven track record of failure. Us young whipper snappers weren't the ones who allowed the government to spend trillions of dollars on pointless wars instead of setting up a national health care system in America. We didn't vote for corporate shill democrats or "Small government conservatives" that want to control where you take a piss, who you can fuck or what you can smoke or drink, while also obliterating any laws that banks and corporations that have systematically raped the country at all levels. We don't fight making minimum wage a living wage so people can actually pull themselves out of suppurating anus of poverty and achieve something. We're not the ones who made this the richest country on the face of the earth where major cities don't have clean drinking water and where getting sick can literally fucking bankrupt you.

I'm not saying the political views of young people are perfect, but the older generations have gotten us into a gigantic mess. We might be wrong, but it's ludicrous for older people to pretend they were right when we have tons of proof otherwise. And not all old people, mind you. Maybe not even the majority. Just the ones who can look at how fucked up this country is and think they did a good job.
But the political opinions of old generations have a proven track record of failure. Us young whipper snappers weren't the ones who allowed the government to spend trillions of dollars on pointless wars instead of setting up a national health care system in America. We didn't vote for corporate shill democrats or "Small government conservatives" that want to control where you take a piss, who you can fuck or what you can smoke or drink, while also obliterating any laws that banks and corporations that have systematically raped the country at all levels. We don't fight making minimum wage a living wage so people can actually pull themselves out of suppurating anus of poverty and achieve something. We're not the ones who made this the richest country on the face of the earth where major cities don't have clean drinking water and where getting sick can literally fucking bankrupt you.

I'm not saying the political views of young people are perfect, but the older generations have gotten us into a gigantic mess. We might be wrong, but it's ludicrous for older people to pretend they were right when we have tons of proof otherwise. And not all old people, mind you. Maybe not even the majority. Just the ones who can look at how fucked up this country is and think they did a good job.

I don't disagree with you GroveKeeper, but a lot of "young people, or young minded people" thought the same as you when they voted Justin Trudeau in Canada... look at how underwhelming his stint has been. It's not so much the leader as it is the vision of the multitude of opinions that make up the governments. IMHO, Trumps health care failure was as much about the Senate and Congress being too lazy to rework something that benefits the people and country first. Our little dick-head in Canada is giving millions to other nations, when there are people in remote locations or on reserves who deserve better than they have... His father had a chance to make a difference in this country and now he is squandering his opportunity as well. The only difference between what you've got and what we've got is age, volume, and orange vs. white.
I don't disagree with you GroveKeeper, but a lot of "young people, or young minded people" thought the same as you when they voted Justin Trudeau in Canada... look at how underwhelming his stint has been. It's not so much the leader as it is the vision of the multitude of opinions that make up the governments. IMHO, Trumps health care failure was as much about the Senate and Congress being too lazy to rework something that benefits the people and country first. Our little dick-head in Canada is giving millions to other nations, when there are people in remote locations or on reserves who deserve better than they have... His father had a chance to make a difference in this country and now he is squandering his opportunity as well. The only difference between what you've got and what we've got is age, volume, and orange vs. white.

I know. A lot of people my age voted for Hillary.

The problem with America is that our government isn't doing what the people want. And we are stuck with this terrible two party system that is slowly causing fewer and fewer people to vote. That is actually what the corrupt politicians want. Because it allows them to keep control and prevent anybody with the desire to serve the people from getting into office.

In America the majority of people actually want to spend less on our bloated defense budget but the politicians keep spending more. The majority of Americans support universal healthcare, but our corrupt politicians keep denying us. But we are in this position because the old folks were asleep on the job when these slimy goblins were rigging the deck in favor of corporations, big banks and the military industrial complex. That is their legacy. Voting in people who take power away from American citizens and put it in the hands of big businesses. So they can create a permanent poverty class. They terrified the old folks with the idea of a welfare state so that they could setup a Walmart state.
we are stuck with this terrible two party system that is slowly causing fewer and fewer people to vote

I think the introduction of a guy like Donald Trump will change the voter outcome for a couple of generations to come. The thing that Americans have to remember is that at most (provided there is voter turn-out), you are stuck with D.T. for something less than another 4 years... his own party, by rejecting the health care bill that he supported sent a pretty strong message to the rest of the world, that the "inner sanctum of the American Gov't, isn't going to let things swing wildly out of control with D.T. in command.

Personally, I don't think that any two B'nut members should allow this forum, or any other happening, to get between an art form that everyone here enjoys and shares... although, I think it's pretty clear that it already has.

... I would also say, that the last American election is a great example of what might happen when people in democratic nations allow complacency to seep into their political lives and fail to excersize their right to vote... YOU collectively, are the government.
I think the introduction of a guy like Donald Trump will change the voter outcome for a couple of generations to come. The thing that Americans have to remember is that at most (provided there is voter turn-out), you are stuck with D.T. for something less than another 4 years... his own party, by rejecting the health care bill that he supported sent a pretty strong message to the rest of the world, that the "inner sanctum of the American Gov't, isn't going to let things swing wildly out of control with D.T. in command.

Personally, I don't think that any two B'nut members should allow this forum, or any other happening, to get between an art form that everyone here enjoys and shares... although, I think it's pretty clear that it already has.

... I would also say, that the last American election is a great example of what might happen when people in democratic nations allow complacency to seep into their political lives and fail to excersize their right to vote... YOU collectively, are the government.

This is why I voted third party. And why I will vote for any justice democrat I can.
The taxes you pay go to support your immigrant population so that they are free to shoot you, rape your women and set up communities where you are forbidden to go, or afraid to go. That is not a rant that is a fact. Obviously you don't like the truth but that's not a rant.

In the UK immigrants actually subsidise the healthcare system because they contribute far more to the economy than they take out in any kind of benefit, which mostly they are pretty tightly limited in getting anyway.

An LSE report also found that the idea that 'foreigners cause crime' is also a fallacy, and crime rates DO NOT correlate with immigration numbers. Foreigners are just as likely as natives to commit crime, the only difference is for some bizarre reason people get more angry about someone from somewhere else committing the same crimes?! People see isolated incidents like the Cologne sexual assaults and forget that they are just that - isolated incidents which stick in some peoples minds and create this notion than all refugees and immigrants are rapists and murderers while there really isn't any evidence to back up that claim. You wouldn't read about a US army vet shooting a load of people and then jump to the conclusion that all army vets are murderous gunmen would you?

I suppose the difference from us Euro-weenies and the States is that over there your taxes go towards native people being free to shoot people, haven't most of the shootings (mass/terrorist shootings) been carried out by US citizens rather than immigrants?

Also where exactly are these communities where people are 'forbidden' to go? That was some delusional idea Trump came up with about the UK being home to places the public couldn't go because of immigrants, which confused a lot of people here that's for sure. There are waaaay more places in the UK with incredibly low immigration populations which I would be genuinely scared to walk through because of the Brits that live there, and I'm sure there are plenty of places in the US you'd be too scared to go full of entirely US citizens.

I can't say I've ever really come across any immigrants who have effected me negatively enough to stand out in my memory... I can think of plenty of utterly despicable British people I've met in the past.
I suppose the difference from us Euro-weenies ...

Well at least you admit it.[/QUOTE]

Was less admition and rather using your statement so you'd have something to connect with and make you happy, which seems to have worked. I could start labelling your whole country with an ill informed label as well but that might come across as being entirely misguided.
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I remember a nice little saying. " United we stand divided we fall"

I would love to believe that. But we live in a country where a significant portion of the voting population has been convinced by scumbags like the Kochs and their puppets that basic necessities of life like healthcare for all and a living wage are asking for "handouts." Those people need to be called out for making this country weaker.
Well at least you admit it.

Was less admition and rather using your statement so you'd have something to connect with and make you happy, which seems to have worked. I could start labelling your whole country with an ill informed label as well but that might come across as being entirely misguided.

Yeah, somehow some people here think that name calling make them smart, or the other person weak. Interesting concept. Probably due to lacking in other areas of their lives so they cannot 'win' by using actual arguments. In these situations having a discussion is useless, because a lack of understanding and compassion results in the other side outright rejecting the concept of their discussion partner having a point. Instead, they will just come up with their own alternative 'facts', call everyone a fool, shoot down those that are left standing and complain about any reply given.

H. R. 861

To terminate the Environmental Protection Agency.

February 3, 2017
Mr. Gaetz (for himself, Mr. Massie, Mr. Palazzo, and Mr. Loudermilk) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and in addition to the Committees on Agriculture, Transportation and Infrastructure, and Science, Space, and Technology, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned

To terminate the Environmental Protection Agency.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
SECTION 1. Termination of the Environmental Protection Agency.

The Environmental Protection Agency shall terminate on December 31, 2018.

Ever heard of private hospital?

I forgot to reply to this question you had... and the answer is "not in Canada".

I can take my provincial health card when I'm travelling and go anywhere in Canada... go into any hospital, see any doctor (or number of doctors) and walk in (and out) without getting a bill... no matter if I cut my hand, or had a heart attack... although "walking in during a heart attack" might not be all that common.
So now we know: SKBonsaiGuy is from Canada. He has refused to declare his nationality in a couple of places where he was asked. Therefore he is not an American Citizen and has no dog in the hunt politically, just a platform to compalin about how bad America is and Trump is in particular. That's fine, anybody can do that but at lest they should have the honesty to let us know that they are not part and parcel of this debate and what they have to say is like a fart in an elevator. SK's statement proves him Canadian: I can take my provincial health card when I'm travelling and go anywhere in Canada... go into any hospital, see any doctor (or number of doctors) and walk in (and out) without getting a bill... no matter if I cut my hand, or had a heart attack... although "walking in during a heart attack" might not be all that commo

Of course it is left to ask: Who pays the bill? The answer: The government. Where does the government get the money? It grows on the money tree? No they get it out of your pocket.
Are you delusional Vance?

Don't you remember asking me if I was an American or not?... about 40 pages back?


And, you would like the rest of the board to recognize you as having even a modicum of intelligence!... holy shit man, you need help!
... AND, if you don't think that Canadians and the rest of the world "don't have a dog in the fight" with your orange haired freak, you're doubly delusional!
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