Donald Trump.

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The truth is the truth regardless of what you call it.
@Cattwooduk - It really is not worth the electrons needed to display. The next phase will be to just push your ideas aside because you are eurowine or something.
How come it is only you guys and gals, if truth be known,-- and Canadians outside of the United States that think the way you do about an American President? We don't have and Angelica Merkel who let thousands of Potential immigrant Terrorists into her country. The same is true all over Europe and the results are starting to reveal themselves, but none of you have anything to say about that. Trump is trying to stop that from happening here. I don't understand your position. I don't think it's because I am stupid or evil or ignorant, or a Nazi, or a fachest, or a three legged milking stool.
Sounds like a lot of "hate" directed towards the poor Asian Carp.....they're just trying to find a better life. I guess the "natives" are just going to have to "deal"
with it!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
thousands of Potential immigrant Terrorists

There are thousands of potential terrorists in the US as well, recent history has proved this but so far basically all the attacks they've committed are by Americans so what's your point? I don't know why I have to keep pointing out that immigrants are no more likely to commit crime than a countries natives, there simply isn't any evidence to back it up.

If I was going to make a broad simplistic statement in the same way you are I would state - 'The current immigration crisis seen in Europe is a direct result of America's unnecessary intervention in the middle east.'

Sounds like a lot of "hate" directed towards the poor Asian Carp.....they're just trying to find a better life. I guess the "natives" are just going to have to "deal"
with it!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

It might be funny if it wasn't a terrible analogy :rolleyes:
Potential immigrant Terrorists

Any isolated and marginalized person, who covets an outdated tunnel-vision view of the world based on a unhealthy religious dogma (and lives with an unrealistic fear of their own world) could become a terrorist.

"How come it is only you guys and gals, if truth be known,-- and Canadians outside of the United States that think the way you do about an American President?" I had to have read this at least 10 times and can't make heads or tails out of it... seriously Vance, I think you should take a break from this thread.
'The current immigration crisis seen in Europe is a direct result of America's unnecessary intervention in the middle east.'

There it is right there... "the chickens are coming home to roost."

Remember being a kid, and just to be a dick, you'd go over to an ant pile and either kick the top off of it, or you'd probe around in the nest with a stick until you caused a huge stir... then afterward, you pretty much walked away without any remorse at all for upsetting their lives... now, just imagine that you're a an adult and you're wearing a shirt that says "American Foreign Policy" and underneath are the directions to your house... what "might" those ants do and why are you so scared of them now?
For anyone too young to clearly remember what happened during this period in time, here is a reminder that I think is a pretty accurate re-counting of the politics of the day... back when the Canadian Government tried to warn the American Government about a mistake they were about to make. Had their have been a public record of the pre-Vietnam conversations between Washington and Ottawa, I'm sure that the jist of the conversation would have been quite similar... two costly wars for the U.S. with implications that will last for many, many years... especially when Bush used the words "Holy War" in one of his speeches. I still cannot see what the Brits were thinking...
There are thousands of potential terrorists in the US as well, recent history has proved this but so far basically all the attacks they've committed are by Americans so what's your point? I don't know why I have to keep pointing out that immigrants are no more likely to commit crime than a countries natives, there simply isn't any evidence to back it up.

If I was going to make a broad simplistic statement in the same way you are I would state - 'The current immigration crisis seen in Europe is a direct result of America's unnecessary intervention in the middle east.'

It might be funny if it wasn't a terrible analogy :rolleyes:

its a shame that the entire immigration argument is framed in the context of racism and bigotry. while they are driving force behind some attitudes towards immigration, these are in the minority and do not reflect the concerns of the majority of americans. and there is data to support the concern.

immigrants are both the MOST educated and LEAST educated groups and there in lies the problem. you dont hear many complaints about the indians, chinese, philipinos or koreans (who migrate through legal channels, and have a crime rate lower than any american demographic)

what you do hear about is the least educated groups (salvadorans, guatamalans, and mexicans). these have a much larger percentage of illegal migrations, and criminal activity (and are also underreported and harder to get exact data on due to undocumented status). when the two rates are combined into a single "immigrant" demographic, they disingenuously suggest the rate of immigrant crime is very low - when in reality it is the rate of undocumented immgrant crime that concerns people. combine that with the fact that traffic related offenses (which constitute a large economic impact rather violence) are typically not included in these quoted crime stats and a largely understated impact is portrayed.

no one is concerned about the MD from china that comes here legally, pays taxes, and never commits a crime. likewise, the mexican that comes here, works hard, pays taxes and assimilates into american culture - is not seen as a problem.

when someone is accused of having a nazi/racist/bigoted attitude - its almost entirely due to that persons concerns over illegal immigration or the inability to vet the background of a potential immigrant. NOT RACISM!!!! i dont know whats so hard to understand about that. and i dont see how anyone can discount or refute the legitimacy of those concerns.

-countries have a right to allow/refuse who comes into their country - understandably the best and brightest would be preferred over a gang member or someone with anti-american sentiments - thats not racism

-immigrants from countries with higher rates will statistically possess a higher crime rate. most native citizens of ANY country would prefer to NOT let criminals and violent immigrants in - thats not racism

-SKbonsaiguy quotes the debt clock - and thats a great point - why would we take on the financial burden of another countries bottom feeders. this is not a problem when the best and brightest migrate, but when the least educated come over they are a burden to the american taxpayer. unpaid medical bills, unpaid taxes, and additional publics services required are a huge financial burden to the taxpayer. (taxpayers being both native born and migrant citizens who must foot the bill for the bottom feeders) presently -over half the immigrants receive some sort of welfare assistance. this takes dollars from both taxpayers AND native recipients - why would we NOT take care of our own first?

-violent crime rates are disproportionately high among the "least" educated of ANY american demographic, white black latino etc. illegal migrants are largely comprised of those groups and have no regard for the law- you dont see doctors and lawyers sneaking into the country illegally. aiming to reduce violent and gang related crime isnt racism - but the fact is the majority of those statistics are from migrants - both legal and illegal latino groups.

-muslims ARE allowed into the country and there is NO muslim ban being introduced. barring entry from countries that cannot vet the backgrounds of migrants is not racism or islamaphobia. i expect my govt to make sure that known terrorists dont make entry into in this country.

-migrants are expected to assimilate into american culture and support this country in its endeavors - this is not new and is a famous admonition that goes all the way back to teddy roosevelt. people who come into this country, hate its ideals, try to eliminate the freedoms of women,gays and minorities are NOT going to be welcome here! thats just a fact. migrants who come here and ride around with a foreign flag in their uninsured car and segregate themselves into communities to "recreate" the situation the left - are typically NOT going to be welcomed. patriotism/nationalism is not racism.

-while its true that the 15 year girl who was just raped by a 18 year old 9th grader who had been deported 4 times does not represent all migrants- the fact remains that if he was not here, that particular crime would not have happened. again - when you hear outrage over stories like this - its because he should have not been here in the first place - NOT because someones is racist and hates immigrants. we just want to (as much as possible) make sure that those who want to come into our country, make this a better place not a worse one. we have enough problems in this country without bringing in more. and what is wrong with that?

-many of these same people who are throwing claims of bigotry etc - chose their home carefully before moving/buying. if they had kids they checked the school districts, they checked the local houses for disrepair etc, they considered the cost and their budget. if i chose to not live in a high crime area that happens to be predominately black or if i send my kid to a renowned private school rather than a school that has more people of color - am i racist? (hint:the answer is no). i simply want the best community and best education for family. the same holds true our country - we want to make sure (as much as we possibly are able to ) that the people coming into this country do not bring this country down. that means no terrorists, no gang members, no violent criminals - and in some cases those people may tend to look a certain way. but its not their appearance we are rejecting.

its wrong to label people who feel like this as racists or bigots. we are not the black panthers, the kkk, isis, or nazis. we are responsible adults trying to make the best lives that we can. no one reading this would let a drug dealer, gang member or white supremacist into their home/life. does that mean they hate white people or they hate mexicans? immigration reform is about the content of character not ethnicity.

are there some people who ARE judging solely on race etc, sure. but they dont reflect the majority of people wanting immigration control/reform.
... ...How come it is only you guys and gals, if truth be known,-- and Canadians outside of the United States that think the way you do about an American President?... ...
With all due respect, Sir, is this a sign that you are loosing your composure?
For anyone too young to clearly remember what happened during this period in time, here is a reminder... ...especially when Bush used the words "Holy War" in one of his speeches. I still cannot see what the Brits were thinking... ...
I'm not young hence I remember.

So, is not UK the United States’ closest military relative?

Then, "what they (the Brits) were thinking" summarize in their only concern about keeping U.S.-U.K. relations harmonious.

The UK got involved because Blair was Bush's poodle.

The "Chilcot report" took seven years of investigation and inquiry into Britain’s and Pr. Blair's role in the Iraq War.

“I will be with you, whatever.” Blair wrote to George W. Bush, we read in this report of 2.6 million words.

The US, which led the march to war, has never conducted a counterpart investigation of its own failings in Iraq.

One of their fears in the months leading up to the invasion was that the Iraqi regime would say yes to all international demands and the case for war would be deflated.

Who would disagree if we described Blair and Busch as “the world’s worst terrorists”
... ... if i chose to not live in a high crime area that happens to be predominately black or if i send my kid to a renowned private school rather than a school that has more people of color - am i racist? (hint:the answer is no). i simply want the best community and best education for family... ...
Don't flatter yourself. You are racist!

Just two out of many US admitted racist laws which echo the meaning of your above quote :

1) Examples of Jim Crow laws : the segregation of public schools, public places and public transportation, and the segregation of restrooms, restaurants and drinking fountains for whites and blacks. Racial segregation in all public facilities, with a supposedly "separate but equal" status for black Americans.

3) The "Day Law" prohibiting any person, group of people, or corporation from the teaching of black and white students in the same school, or from running separate branches of a school for the teaching of black and white students within twenty-five miles of each other.
its a shame that the entire immigration argument is framed in the context of racism and bigotry. while they are driving force behind some attitudes towards immigration, these are in the minority and do not reflect the concerns of the majority of americans. and there is data to support the concern.

immigrants are both the MOST educated and LEAST educated groups and there in lies the problem. you dont hear many complaints about the indians, chinese, philipinos or koreans (who migrate through legal channels, and have a crime rate lower than any american demographic)

what you do hear about is the least educated groups (salvadorans, guatamalans, and mexicans). these have a much larger percentage of illegal migrations, and criminal activity (and are also underreported and harder to get exact data on due to undocumented status). when the two rates are combined into a single "immigrant" demographic, they disingenuously suggest the rate of immigrant crime is very low - when in reality it is the rate of undocumented immgrant crime that concerns people. combine that with the fact that traffic related offenses (which constitute a large economic impact rather violence) are typically not included in these quoted crime stats and a largely understated impact is portrayed.

no one is concerned about the MD from china that comes here legally, pays taxes, and never commits a crime. likewise, the mexican that comes here, works hard, pays taxes and assimilates into american culture - is not seen as a problem.

when someone is accused of having a nazi/racist/bigoted attitude - its almost entirely due to that persons concerns over illegal immigration or the inability to vet the background of a potential immigrant. NOT RACISM!!!! i dont know whats so hard to understand about that. and i dont see how anyone can discount or refute the legitimacy of those concerns.

-countries have a right to allow/refuse who comes into their country - understandably the best and brightest would be preferred over a gang member or someone with anti-american sentiments - thats not racism

-immigrants from countries with higher rates will statistically possess a higher crime rate. most native citizens of ANY country would prefer to NOT let criminals and violent immigrants in - thats not racism

-SKbonsaiguy quotes the debt clock - and thats a great point - why would we take on the financial burden of another countries bottom feeders. this is not a problem when the best and brightest migrate, but when the least educated come over they are a burden to the american taxpayer. unpaid medical bills, unpaid taxes, and additional publics services required are a huge financial burden to the taxpayer. (taxpayers being both native born and migrant citizens who must foot the bill for the bottom feeders) presently -over half the immigrants receive some sort of welfare assistance. this takes dollars from both taxpayers AND native recipients - why would we NOT take care of our own first?

-violent crime rates are disproportionately high among the "least" educated of ANY american demographic, white black latino etc. illegal migrants are largely comprised of those groups and have no regard for the law- you dont see doctors and lawyers sneaking into the country illegally. aiming to reduce violent and gang related crime isnt racism - but the fact is the majority of those statistics are from migrants - both legal and illegal latino groups.

-muslims ARE allowed into the country and there is NO muslim ban being introduced. barring entry from countries that cannot vet the backgrounds of migrants is not racism or islamaphobia. i expect my govt to make sure that known terrorists dont make entry into in this country.

-migrants are expected to assimilate into american culture and support this country in its endeavors - this is not new and is a famous admonition that goes all the way back to teddy roosevelt. people who come into this country, hate its ideals, try to eliminate the freedoms of women,gays and minorities are NOT going to be welcome here! thats just a fact. migrants who come here and ride around with a foreign flag in their uninsured car and segregate themselves into communities to "recreate" the situation the left - are typically NOT going to be welcomed. patriotism/nationalism is not racism.

-while its true that the 15 year girl who was just raped by a 18 year old 9th grader who had been deported 4 times does not represent all migrants- the fact remains that if he was not here, that particular crime would not have happened. again - when you hear outrage over stories like this - its because he should have not been here in the first place - NOT because someones is racist and hates immigrants. we just want to (as much as possible) make sure that those who want to come into our country, make this a better place not a worse one. we have enough problems in this country without bringing in more. and what is wrong with that?

-many of these same people who are throwing claims of bigotry etc - chose their home carefully before moving/buying. if they had kids they checked the school districts, they checked the local houses for disrepair etc, they considered the cost and their budget. if i chose to not live in a high crime area that happens to be predominately black or if i send my kid to a renowned private school rather than a school that has more people of color - am i racist? (hint:the answer is no). i simply want the best community and best education for family. the same holds true our country - we want to make sure (as much as we possibly are able to ) that the people coming into this country do not bring this country down. that means no terrorists, no gang members, no violent criminals - and in some cases those people may tend to look a certain way. but its not their appearance we are rejecting.

its wrong to label people who feel like this as racists or bigots. we are not the black panthers, the kkk, isis, or nazis. we are responsible adults trying to make the best lives that we can. no one reading this would let a drug dealer, gang member or white supremacist into their home/life. does that mean they hate white people or they hate mexicans? immigration reform is about the content of character not ethnicity.

are there some people who ARE judging solely on race etc, sure. but they dont reflect the majority of people wanting immigration control/reform.

Can we make a baby together?:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D But Honey, the time you could chose your housing based on the quality of the local school system is so 90's....:confused:;):rolleyes::D:D:D:D:D:D
Don't flatter yourself. You are racist!

Just two out of many US admitted racist laws which echo the meaning of your above quote :

1) Examples of Jim Crow laws : the segregation of public schools, public places and public transportation, and the segregation of restrooms, restaurants and drinking fountains for whites and blacks. Racial segregation in all public facilities, with a supposedly "separate but equal" status for black Americans.

3) The "Day Law" prohibiting any person, group of people, or corporation from the teaching of black and white students in the same school, or from running separate branches of a school for the teaching of black and white students within twenty-five miles of each other.

Did you really read what was typed? :confused: Good lord......can somebody drop a nuke on us and put us out of our misery?:D:D:D:D:D:D:DPost some trees up.
Did you really read what was typed?
Could you really re-read and realize the real meaning of the quotation post I responded to??? You need to spend more time...
... ... if i chose to not live in a high crime area that happens to be predominately black or if i send my kid to a renowned private school rather than a school that has more people of color - am i racist? (hint:the answer is no). i simply want the best community and best education for family... ...
"The UK got involved because Blair was Bush's poodle."

True enough... if it were solely Blair's decision to choose to go along with the war, but the majority of the government had to be on the same page, or he would have been shut down. How Canada couldn't have encouraged them to re-think that decision is a bit of a mystery to me.

Typically, it doesn't take too many fights in the school yard for a bully to realize that the most dangerous kid to pick on is the one who has nothing to loose. And when people won't listen to reason, there is a point where you just have to allow them to fail... Oddly, less than 3 years after the beginning of the war and search for the fictitious "weapons of mass destruction", 9/11 happened, and the only people who were really surprised that "something like that could happen" were the ones so eager to go and put their toe in the proverbial ant pile that I spoke of earlier... AND, did they learn their lesson? I doubt many of them could connect the dots.
... roughly 7 TRILLION dollars spend on that war and countless lives... want to know where you're quality if life went, I'd start with that period in time right there (for recent history anyway).
Another reason Im not having kids lol.

Pre-K is pretty expensive! :D:D:D No fair!! If I have to have one, so do you!:D:D:D Who invented this "birth" thing?!?!:eek::D:D Had a second row seat to a C-section.....looks like a great spot for a door of some kind....maybe we'll evolve one....

And for the record, kids and "causing a ruckus" do not mesh well...;):D:D:D:D I'm glad my luck ran out until my forties,(it's ok to laugh!).....I can ALMOST handle it!:D:D:D:D
... roughly 7 TRILLION dollars spend on that war and countless lives... want to know where you're quality if life went, I'd start with that period in time right there (for recent history anyway).

And people wonder why my generation is constantly protesting. Our future was squandered on dumbass wars instead of being investes in this county. To quote donny tiny hands, "SAD"
Pre-K is pretty expensive! :D:D:D No fair!! If I have to have one, so do you!:D:D:D Who invented this "birth" thing?!?!:eek::D:D Had a second row seat to a C-section.....looks like a great spot for a door of some kind....maybe we'll evolve one....

And for the record, kids and "causing a ruckus" do not mesh well...;):D:D:D:D I'm glad my luck ran out until my forties,(it's ok to laugh!).....I can ALMOST handle it!:D:D:D:D

I have a sister who will have at least one baby, Im sure. Ill spoil my future niece/nephew and then flee.
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