Finally here!


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My trident arrived a couple days ago from Telperion Farms. Chris was extremely helpful and a great person to work with!

Anyway work keeps getting in the way of me getting a good look at it. Finally it's Friday so I hope to be able to take a couple pictures of it to share. I can say the leaves in it are very dense so I probably won't get a great picture of the branching till they fall of. And I couldn't get a glimpse at the nebari because it was buried so I still have no clue what to expect.
I feel like a kid a Christmas time lol.

Hope to have pictures up tonight or tomorrow.
Congrats, but this thread is a tease!
Haha how do you think I feel!?
I went home Wednesday for lunch because my neighbor called to tell me the box was there. I unpackaged it set it on my bench got a 30 second glance and went back to work and have been working 12+ hour days all week getting off work taking my daughter to softball then getting home at 8PM. I haven't seen the tree since I took it out of the box.

Damn work for interfering with my love affairs!
I can't wait for tonight or tomorrow to get here so I can get a good look!
We need PICTURES, PICTURES, PICTURES, and in case you missed it------PICTURES. LOL

Come-on dude, this is like sharing descriptions of naked ladies on the radio. It's really not the getting there. Feeble attempt at humor I hope it's taken that way.
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You could have just stop here

Damn work for interfering with my love affairs!
I can't wait for tonight...:cool:
Sorry for the prolonged anticipation.
I snuck home for a quicky with the new tree. The nebari is deep. I uncovered a 1/4 of it but I'm concerned with damaging all the roots trying to get it uncovered with fall knocking on the door.

Should I wait till spring to get a good look?

Also I remember it being a little bigger in the pictures he sent me. I guess cameras do add 10lbs. It will need some work for sure and time to grow. I'll have pictures up tonight.
Bad lighting and bad pictures. I didn't want to disturb the roots too much but here are a few pictures.
Possible front
Trunk about 2 inches
It's hard to see with all the surface roots but the root flare is about 6.5 inches
I can't wait till I can really get in there and clean off that flare to see what's going on under there.
I will put up more pictures once the leaves drop so branching can be seen and figure out what will become the new leader.
It is a bit hard to see everything, but it looks like the root flare may be really nice. Be sure to let me know when the leaves fall and when you can expose more of the base!
Nice that you get to see it in living color! Looks like a good one, will be interesting to see what is in there and under there...
How much did up you pay for ths tree? If you don't mind me asking.
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