Fringe Tree


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Just south of Atlanta
I am going to dig one in a few weeks. It is a Chionanthus virginicus. It was undercut last year. The root ball will be 2' in diameter and about 10" deep. The tree is tall with some low branches. The trunk is 3-4". My plan is to chop the trunk. I'm not sure of the height yet. It depends on what I find once I clear the dirt away from the top. I'd like to bare root it and put it in an inorganic mix in a grow box or large pot. Do you think bare rooting it is ok? I would post a pic but the tree is in someone else's yard.
Lol, great idea! It is in my brothers yard. He bought the house last year and doesn't like the tree or it's location. He let me undercut it last year but wants it gone this spring.
I bought one from a nursery last fall but it is grafted, probably on ash roots according to the interwebs. Is the one you are digging?
It should. There are two species I believe. But I remember mine is also the virginicas. I don’t know if I should be concerned about ash borers. Would like to see pics of yours.

This is mine. You can see the graft. I liked the roots enough to attempt to make a bonsai from it despite the obvious challenges. It will be interesting to see if it suckers from the root stock when I chop it back to just above the graft. I could I suppose make an ash bonsai if it does, although that’s not an ideal solution.
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Those roots are awesome and I think you are right. It has a lot of potential. As soon as the buds get ready to open I will dig it and post pictures.
those are great roots, but I don't like working with fringe tree. Very temperamental, and not good subjects in my opinion. If you can get it to work then go for it, as they are pretty!
I bought a fringe bush off a 75% off sales bench at a local nursery. I liked the trunk movement, but had to cut some major branches. Its pretty unorthodox... but its interesting. I cant wait to get it out of that giant tub. Not sure what to do about the apex yet.


I have some chinese fringe trees that I have had over 12 years. Never a bloom on any of them.
Mine has been clip and grow.
I like the movement yours has.
I was thinking the other day root over rock may be the way to go. Mine have interesting roots too (that want to lift the tree up anyway) and bark texture on the trunks.
After 12 years that is all I can say.
I hope yours blooms, maybe if I put mine in the ground it would bloom? lol
They seem pretty hardy but didnt seem to appreciate wire.
Thank you for starting this thread!
I have some chinese fringe trees that I have had over 12 years. Never a bloom on any of them.
Mine has been clip and grow.
I like the movement yours has.
I was thinking the other day root over rock may be the way to go. Mine have interesting roots too (that want to lift the tree up anyway) and bark texture on the trunks.
After 12 years that is all I can say.
I hope yours blooms, maybe if I put mine in the ground it would bloom? lol
They seem pretty hardy but didnt seem to appreciate wire.
Thank you for starting this thread!
Well that’s disappointing to hear. I def wanted those blooms. Otherwise I should just attempt an ash (with its big compound leaves) and be done with it perhaps.

Would like to see more pics of these. Maybe mine is the only graft.
Well that’s disappointing to hear. I def wanted those blooms. Otherwise I should just attempt an ash (with its big compound leaves) and be done with it perhaps.

Would like to see more pics of these. Maybe mine is the only graft.

I know right. I read it takes twelve years to bloom and it is over that now. I think maybe they need something I am not providing??
I will take some photos to post.
The only person I can recall that ever commented on chinese fringe when I posted years back was Irene, from Texas I think.
I loved the description I read of the trees habits of course back then my eyes were keen on noticing anything Japanese or Chinese at a nursery!
those are great roots, but I don't like working with fringe tree. Very temperamental, and not good subjects in my opinion. If you can get it to work then go for it, as they are pretty!
did you ever get blooms
I just acquired this late last fall. I haven’t technically even gotten leaves yet!

Edit - sorry I’ve had a glass or two of wine and thought you were asking me .... <slinks away>
That is interesting about the trees not blooming. I have one in my yard that I am not going to dig. It has been in the ground a few years and has bloomed from day one. The one that I am going to dig is a little older and has also bloomed. It may be something to do with them in being in a pot. As soon as I dig it I will post pictures. I have seen some fringe tree bonsai online that have blooms though so we can still hope.
I bought two C. virginiana from a nursery. They both bloomed the following spring.

May I ask how large the plants were that bloomed? I have been disappointed with nary a bloom. Even tried not trimming a couple years in a row still no blooms.
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