Funky Jams for All! Post here!

This one actually takes me many memories.
@sorce you ever heard mid 90's 3-6?

If I'm being fully honest....

I never liked that they were ok with spreading drug abuse, especially one so easy for young children to get a hold of.
I think they paved the way for this opiate crisis in "the rap scene", and don't consider them HipHop. I almost watched a VladTV interview with one of em the other day, in a humble attempt to allow my mind changed, couldn't sit through it.

I'm all about free speech. But consider it no less as great of a power as being Spiderman.

So the level of responsibility should be equal.

In my whole being right now though, on a scale of one to 10, being pissed off at society for how we do our children... I'm at like an 84. Eighty Four.

Fucking this is bearing on my response.

If I'm being fully honest....

I never liked that they were ok with spreading drug abuse, especially one so easy for young children to get a hold of.
I think they paved the way for this opiate crisis in "the rap scene", and don't consider them HipHop. I almost watched a VladTV interview with one of em the other day, in a humble attempt to allow my mind changed, couldn't sit through it.

I'm all about free speech. But consider it no less as great of a power as being Spiderman.

So the level of responsibility should be equal.

In my whole being right now though, on a scale of one to 10, being pissed off at society for how we do our children... I'm at like an 84. Eighty Four.

Fucking this is bearing on my response.

You're absolutely right my man.

Edit: and I turned 84 at 14.
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And @sorce....
They did a lot more than get the ball rolling on the drug front....
If you're familiar with their stuff at all, I'm sure you're aware of the degradation of women exhibited in their music.

I will say the same thing that I say about basically all musicians and artists....
One must separate the artistic product from the individual(s) creating it, otherwise I'd appreciate basically nothing in any form.

As much as I look back, as a mature adult, on the whole 36 Mafia thing....from early 90's thru when they got famous in the late 2000's....due to my surroundings as a youngster, I was into the sound and the beats....but even then I knew the Satanic 666 stuff and the non-stop murder and shooting references were don't have to be a pediatric neurosurgeon to see how bad the shit really is for influential youths in the hood.

That's why eventually, I found the music I really love, the Grateful Dead.
To quote Bill K., the definition of the Grateful Dead is "Freedom".

Edit:....not to mention the homophobic gets bad.
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Sounds great! I'm awaitin!

The guys I play music with are pretty much back to normal life so it’ll be a bit until I (Still can’t be exposed at all.. doctor’s orders... cirrhosis.) will be able to play with them...

Recording solo live performances in my living room seems... not right.

So against my better judgement (and because I feel bad about not posting busking video) I decided to sit down and record a quick song... it’s definitely nothing fancy... I wrote it when I was 16 so not too technical.. which is good.. cause JUST “guy and guitar” CAN sound “empty” if “guitar”s focus becomes too melodic, instead of rythmic.

Eat My Music - take 1

So against my better judgement (and because I feel bad about not posting busking video) I decided to sit down and record a quick song... it’s definitely nothing fancy... I wrote it when I was 16 so not too technical.. which is good.. cause JUST “guy and guitar” CAN sound “empty” if “guitar”s focus becomes too melodic, instead of rythmic.

Eat My Music - take 1

Dude, that's awesome! Well done!
I dig the riff for sure.... It could really be great with drums and bass.....and keys.....and another guitar and more drums and!

Hey, you got guts to do it my man, that's all that matters. I wouldn't attempt to sing if I was held at gunpoint......just can't do it....its not there.
But I like drumming....and experimenting with bass and stuff....

Some of the most fun jams that me and my buddy play are from high school.

Again, kudos dude. Well done!
Wow! A grinder!!!!!!! I’ve never seen that performance!!!!!!
I eat grinders! 😄
Me either. I found it searching for the Folsom Prison Blues by Jimmy Page.

on a scale of one to 10, being pissed off at society for how we do our children... I'm at like an 84
It is a viscous cycle...

So when Danny Whitten, a heroin addict and member of Crazy Horse overdosed on pills and alcohol in 1971
Neil wrote this
Our hood locally has been inundated with it, to the point that Michelle Obama has come to reach out
more than once, and people across the country have come here to study some of "what works" for rehabbing.
Then in the middle of all that we were going to the vet getting needles and fluids for giving out cats
both subcutaneous fluids and transdermal compounded fentanyl.
Always paranoid of getting pulled over when we made that run.
We squelched heroin in the 70's I can only hope we get there again.
I eat grinders! 😄
Me either. I found it searching for the Folsom Prison Blues by Jimmy Page.

So when Danny Whitten, a heroin addict and member of Crazy Horse overdosed on pills and alcohol in 1971
Neil wrote this
Our hood locally has been inundated with it, to the point that Michelle Obama has come to reach out
more than once, and people across the country have come here to study some of "what works" for rehabbing.
Then in the middle of all that we were going to the vet getting needles and fluids for giving out cats
both subcutaneous fluids and transdermal compounded fentanyl.
Always paranoid of getting pulled over when we made that run.
We squelched heroin in the 70's I can only hope we get there again.

Heroin is most definitely no joke... pulling over a car from the passenger seat because the driver “fell out” and almost ran into a corner store.. North Milwaukee, then having to give said driver narcan.. to have him “wake up”, puke still around mouth and start attempting to beat the shit out of You... 2 and 1/2 hours from home... is no joke..

But the lives..the ones who exist “around” the abuse.are hurt the most...

....I will say this... as ABSOLUTELY horrendous a problem intertwining with and destroying SOOO many lives.....

Meth is worse...

I’ve lived many lives in a short time... and the life that corresponded with stimulant abuse was worse than opiode.... BOTH destroyed my life...
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