Great forum and air layering Bourgainvillea!


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Hey everyone. Great forum! I just registered and posted in the tropical section (hope that's the right one). I air layered a Bourgainvillea recently and after 3 weeks it had some roots (but not many).

I think I chopped this early. If anyone has any advice on survival I would appreciate it!! I think I need all the help I can get. Too impatient and cut it too soon!! I'm working and living in Oman so at least it's warm for it to recover (if it survives)!
Most Appreciated :0)


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A good size bougie cutting can root without layering, so it may be ok. Probably depends on where you are/heat. Hopefully someone who has done it will answer.
I will guess that it lives but definitely let us know because I'm curious. Its kind of a big cutting but who knows.
I heard that large cuttings sometimes survive with bourgs too. This one has at least some roots. I left a lot on top to die back and sealed everything with heal and seal so hopefully only the few leaves will be transpiring :0) Will keep this updated
Ive bought 2" thick bougies that are from thick cuttings. But I live in the tropics, which may have a lot to do with them living. But then again, not all my smaller cuttings root. Maybe its a bougie lottery of luck!?!?
Small 1 inch ball of fine feeders one side and a very small 1/4 inch ball of feeders the other. The guys in the tropical forum here are right, it's basically a cutting :0/

Is a firethorn a tropical? If it is it has a good chance of rooting if it is warm where you are. If firethorns root easily as cuttings you might be OK :0) Hope so :0)
Seal g is always good to stop the plant drying out I think. But if the cuts are not too big and you are in a cool environment that is OK. Back in the UK I never sealed anything with oak trees I had and they were fine. I just sealed mine because day time here in the middle east gets to 40C in this balcony area :)
In Florida, I've never bothered to air layer Bougainvillea. Just stick the cutting in the dirt and they grow very happily.
Ha ha ha. Come to Oman anyway. It's a great place :) Here are some of the mountains here. Yamadori central ha ha ha :0)!

Can you get plants through your customs ok?20160325_104412.jpg
They should not be. But the land owners can normally be seen tending to goats or with donkeys. Asking these guys they don't mind after explaining the size of tree and type. They only state, don't dig up Francincense trees. I need to go a collect a juniper or a wild olive. Some are amazing because the sheep prune them so often they reduce the size of their leaves massively and the twigging is amazing!
This looks like it's been wired! Only the goats ha ha ha
Updated May 2018. Now repotted for first time and root pruned. Roots developed well marginally biased to one side. Cut back during house move, survived. Now waiting spring summer growth phase. Not expecting anything super as no greenhouse in Scotland (yet):20180518_110908.jpg
Getting side shoots now leatherback. Will wire them out in the coming winter. If it has enough vigour. This one from the hedge is more flexible on older wood than the ornamental pink pixie types with smaller leaves and flowers I find.
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