Gro Power planting tablets


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San Jose, CA
Has anyone tried this product? I saw it listed in the back of this month's Golden Statements and was wondering if anyone has any experience with it. The 12-8-8 product also contain 20% Humus and 4% Humic acid and I remember there being a lot of debate about this on this forum in the past.

I've been using it and I'm pretty happy. Squirrels don’t go for it (it has no odor), it is very easy to apply and the trees are pretty green and healthy. I applied it to a few trees at first to make sure it worked with my trees, I would recommend you do the same before going crazy with the stuff. But I will say so far so good.

I've been using it and I'm pretty happy. Squirrels don’t go for it (it has no odor), it is very easy to apply and the trees are pretty green and healthy. I applied it to a few trees at first to make sure it worked with my trees, I would recommend you do the same before going crazy with the stuff. But I will say so far so good.


How often are you putting new tabs on?

As in the previous post, how often do you apply? And, do you continue to use other methods of fertilizing such as Bonsai Pro or Plantone?

I went thru my bucket of tablets this year. I wasn't pleased with how quickly the product broke down, particularly after a rainstorm.
During the growing season, I apply them every three months or so depending how quickly they break down. I have also experimented using gro-power with fish emulsion, miracle grow and gro-better (composted chicken manure) and the results have been good. I wanted to see how gro-power works in conjunction with organics. Remember, I live in So Cal and we don't get many rain showers so the tablets probably don't break down as fast. Again, I would test them first because your conditions are probably very different than mine. Finally, I wouldn't start testing in winter because your trees won't be able to absorb nutrients and there could be a dangerous alkaline build up in your soil. Hopefully this helps.

I notice a definite difference in growth and color. Same with liquid humic acid. It's the magic bullet, at least here in a cool misty upland rain forest.
Fertilizer is fertilizer. Your trees do not care what delivery system you package it in; just so there is NPK and trace elements.
During the growing season, I apply them every three months or so depending how quickly they break down. I have also experimented using gro-power with fish emulsion, miracle grow and gro-better (composted chicken manure) and the results have been good. I wanted to see how gro-power works in conjunction with organics. Remember, I live in So Cal and we don't get many rain showers so the tablets probably don't break down as fast. Again, I would test them first because your conditions are probably very different than mine. Finally, I wouldn't start testing in winter because your trees won't be able to absorb nutrients and there could be a dangerous alkaline build up in your soil. Hopefully this helps.

I had to replace my tabs more like every 2 weeks. This summer had killer temps and I had to water daily and sometimes 2x a day. The tabs didn't hold up well under my conditions and watering.

Reviving a very old thread. I remember seeing Bjorn recommending somewhere but can’t be certain. I am wondering if anything has changed in the past 12 years?
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