Happy Holidays from Snowy Georgia!


Drop Branch Murphy
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SE MI- Bonsai'd for 12 years both MA and N GA
How about that...a white Christmas in Georgia!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone!


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Same to you from snowy NC. 4 inches and counting!
Ha-ha, gotta say I'm jealous. No (new) snow issues in central New York. Just a little 'left-over' stuff from last week. Spread it around a bit. We don't mind sharing.

Who's next? :cool:
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Fom what I hear, New York is about to be hit by blizzard conditions, so be careful what you wish for.

Me, I NEVER wish for snow and here's what I woke to this morning in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains:


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Officially the first white Christmas in Atlanta since 1882!!. Meanwhile, I just heard on the news that my hometown of Boston is do for somewhat more...blizzard conditions and up to 20" of snow today. I thought we were do for a drier, warmer winter on the east coast...I could be wrong:).
jkl - You're right. NYCity got blasted while way upstate we were spared this time. This storm has been hugging the coast up here.

Hope everyone pulls through and has a super '11.
We got hit hard here in S.E. Virginia too. I don't know what the official measurement is but I have 15 inches in my back yard. I think it set a record for this early in the season.
The greenhouse I built back in October stood up well, 55F inside, 26F outside.

Hope you guys manage to dig out safely, and Happy New Year!

Bob O


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:D Western Mass (west of Ware) only got about 8", Worchester to Boston is getting the good ol white out with many inches, could turn to feet.

It was interesting, aside form insulating my stored trees( took the top off the cold frame and let it snow), I used the 24 degree 25 mph wind blown snow storm to test out my new Underarmor gotchies. They work well.
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