Hello all. New to Bonsai


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Louisville, KY
I live in Louisville Kentucky. I recently moved home from Maryland where I got out of the Navy. I had and the key word is had a few bonsai that I had picked up in Different places while in the Navy. They were all bought Bonsai that all I have to do was water and feed.

Regretably, I have no idea what they were and they all did fine until I moved to Maryland where they all died shortly there after. Either due to my neglect or the actions of my soon to be ex-wife. A ton of the problems was I went from living in Florida and moving to Maryland righ before winter and the first snow wiped me out with the exception of two Fukien Teas, that I kept indoors, that I picked up at, of all places, Target. Which my wife promptly killed by "accidentally" getting spray oven cleaner all over them.

On to the now. I am really interested in learning the art of bonsai. Not the art of buying bonsai. I have a ton of questions which I am sure will lead to aother ton of questions.

First off... I am in zone 6A. I was wondering what trees everyone recommends and what type of soil mixtures I should try, its currently in the 90s here most days.

I currently have a few things I have been playing with. I have a crape myrtle that I ground planted in the backyard as it is only a year old. And an Azalia that my mom had that got stepped on and broken in half when she had a new condenser unit installed earlier this year. She dug it up and threw it in the garbage so I cut it back and put it in a pot. It is at least 10 years old.

Any and all help is appreciated. Oh almost forgot, I work at Lowes and I walk through the nursery all the time. I picked up a Compact Japanese Holly today and was wondering if anyone knows anything about them.

Thanks and sorry this got so wordy.

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Welcome to B'nut Bill!

I hope you can stick around through all the family squables. Over all there is a bunch of good folks here and we all want to learn more about bonsai.

Which part of Florida were you from?

Welcome Bill.I believe Louisville has a good club.The president is named John.While the internet and forums are great places to pick up knowledge,hands on help is imo the best path to follow.


With all my travels I have always thought that the Louisville area was a perfect area to grow about any bonsai. Your fair winter climate and long growing season should enable you to overwinter almost any hardy plant without problems, and, if doing tropicals and only bringing them inside in winter to keep under lights they will do good inthe short winter season.
I think you should have good luck.
USN 1970-74
I moved back and forth between Tampa and Jacksonville. Was stationed both places back and forth.

I was actually looking at the Greater Louisville Bonsai Sociey site today. Lots of cool pictures and some links. No forum though.

Thats the tough part, I work retail and most of their get togethers are on weekends. I'm lucky to get one weekend a month and my shifts are constantly changing.

Thanks for the warm welcomes so far, looking forward to to hearing from more members.
Welcome Bill to Bnut!
I am Mom here as well as Mom at
In the Chatroom most of the time,
when I am not out tending my wee trees.
Hope you enjoy it here.
Thats the tough part, I work retail and most of their get togethers are on weekends. I'm lucky to get one weekend a month and my shifts are constantly changing.
It won't be long before bonsai takes over your life and you will be working around THEM!

I live 5 hours away from any decent clubs and just wish I had the chance to attend on a regular basis.

Ps send your ex a message from your new bonsai stating "We know what you did to our friends" should have her nicly concerned...lol

Of course if you have court proceedings involving children this might not be looked upon well from the judge LMAO
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