Hello from San Diego


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San Diego
Evening to the night lurkers. Just wanted to introduce myself and start participating. My name is Steven and am knew to bonsai. I live in San Diego and have just recently purchased a few nursery stock plants to practice with and learn on. This site is awesome. Learned more in the last two weeks I have been trolling then the 3 months prior to that spent on Google. I have some background in growing indoors( mainly hydroponics) and spent a good portion of my life doing saltwater reef tanks. Look forward to learning and making some new friends. Hope everyone has a good one!
Good Morning Steven,

You may have noticed, we have a few reefers too, and a few reefers even!

What kind of trees did you get?

Welcome to Crazy!

Welcome to the nuthouse Steven!
Evening to the night lurkers. Just wanted to introduce myself and start participating. My name is Steven and am knew to bonsai. I live in San Diego and have just recently purchased a few nursery stock plants to practice with and learn on. This site is awesome. Learned more in the last two weeks I have been trolling then the 3 months prior to that spent on Google. I have some background in growing indoors( mainly hydroponics) and spent a good portion of my life doing saltwater reef tanks. Look forward to learning and making some new friends. Hope everyone has a good one!

So about three months ago bonsai peaked your interest? Welcome to the hobby! What was it that drew your eye to bonsai? We all have our own stories. Mine was from learning I could raise a tree that had sentimental value to me...in a pot that wasn't zone friendly. (Though I don't recommend doing trees that aren't zoned to ones native area unless you research and can provide adequate wintering)

So...what stock plants did you purchase? And are your intentions to raise them with your hydroponics set up then?
There is a large and active bonsai club in San Diego. If you haven't explored that yet you should look into it. San Diego has many microclimates that can dramatically affect how happy certain species are. Club members can guide you on good choices and best practices.

Welcome to the Nut's house! ;)
Morning everyone. I got a few different types of junipers. I'll here sooner then later make a species thread for them so I can get some pointers and doc there progression(that is if I can keep them alive). I won't be growing them in my hydro setup( mainly cause it has now been converted to my wife's store all her shit closet). So I went to balboa park with my wife last year for her birthday. She's a photographer so she wanted to just spend the day down there taking photos. Well just so happens San Diego bonsai club was having a show that same weekend so we went and checked it out. That would be the day I got hooked. Wasn't till about three months ago that things slowed down enough that I could dedicate my time to this and really start to study and learn all can to give me a fighting start at this.
Morning everyone. I got a few different types of junipers. I'll here sooner then later make a species thread for them so I can get some pointers and doc there progression(that is if I can keep them alive). I won't be growing them in my hydro setup( mainly cause it has now been converted to my wife's store all her shit closet). So I went to balboa park with my wife last year for her birthday. She's a photographer so she wanted to just spend the day down there taking photos. Well just so happens San Diego bonsai club was having a show that same weekend so we went and checked it out. That would be the day I got hooked. Wasn't till about three months ago that things slowed down enough that I could dedicate my time to this and really start to study and learn all can to give me a fighting start at this.
Cool...would so love to see some amazing bonsai other than online and in books.

So, did you stumble on B-Nut during your three months of scouring Google search? You mentioned just being here for two weeks lurking. (Which is fine...many start that way) It's really a very informative forum. Glad you found your way here...your sure to enjoy the information and wisdom. Many with much knowledge...along with the search engine of finding archive threads.

I too have a few juniper...but really can't offer any real advice. For I'm new to those as well.
Ya I came across it when I was looking through Google images...and it turns out I created a profile about a year ago when I was just surfing. I forgot I had and when I went to create a new one it told me I already had one...worked out quite nice
Ya I came across it when I was looking through Google images...and it turns out I created a profile about a year ago when I was just surfing. I forgot I had and when I went to create a new one it told me I already had one...worked out quite nice
Ahhh I see...well, I hope you have time to develop your hobby. It's quite enjoyable. Though, myself my collection is quite small even after two years. Some really dive in...but,I have a yard with flowerbeds that I tend...so I don't want overwhelmed. I find doing the littlest thing and seeing the results so rewarding. Just a few inches of wire really helped fine tune my azalea...a bougainvillea with some pathetic rot to its roots recovering. Things like that. Just know...along the way we tend to lose a tree now and then, if you learn from that mistake...then it's not such a bad thing...lessons learned take up the ladder of success.
You bet! I surely got my fare share of heart breaks when doing reef tanks. Couldn't agree more though they are all just a learning experience. Gotta muster through the bad to get the good.
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