Help with Syzygium Buxifolium!


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Hi everyone,

New here and also new to Bonsai! Got a Chinese Myrtle (Syzygium Buxifolium) for a gift, at least thats what the label said.

It was all green and bright when we got it, a few weeks later, the leaves have started to drop and turned yellow-brown. We thought its the wind here in the UK that might have dried them up, so we put a humidity box to keep it humid, bout 60-80% humidity level. It has stopped getting worse since, but not getting better either. So Im wondering if anyone knows the problem?

I live in apartment, so putting on the window silk facing NW is the closest I can do. Im not even sure if it needs full sun or partial shade as different sources say different things..

I checked the roots and its all dark coloured, hope that’s normal for this species.

Anyhow, let’s see if we can get some help here as Im confused!

Here are some pics:





Welcome to Crazy!

Most trees need to be outside.

Almost outside is as good as a child in the window watching the other kids play.

Oh don't play outside anymore...
Bad analogy.

Try giving the tree a Phone to play with.

Maybe it will cheer up!

All trees need to be outside as some don't like the dryness our heating and cooling does, I would recommend to get a humidity tray to help a bit with it if it's impossible to have outside, also make sure proper watering and sunlight is given,
Good luck!
All trees need to be outside as some don't like the dryness our heating and cooling does, I would recommend to get a humidity tray to help a bit with it if it's impossible to have outside, also make sure proper watering and sunlight is given,
Good luck!

He had it in a humidity box... theres plenty of debate to be had over the effectiveness of hunidity trays however the prevailing thought around here seems to be that they do absolutely nothing.

The roots look dark and sickly. What was your watering schedule / routine? Looks like root rot/overwatering to that box you had it, i would assume little air novement through soil.
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