If Bonsai is Art Is Art Bonsai?

Bonsai Basho

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Thought id share this with you guys, an English sculpter who makes bonsai - No he really makes bonsai - take a look. What to you think? Throws the whole old question of is Bonsai Art on its head. The boot is on the other foot - can we answer the question is this Art Bonsai? Whatever you think this is incredible work and it means you can annoy your partner even more by bringing your huge prize tree in the house and taking over the dining table - permanently.

Its a little like asking if a sculpture of a person, however beautiful, is the same as a person :)

Bonsai is a living art form. The trees are not the same - even day to day. We allow ourselves to think of them as static but they aren't.

I think his sculptures miss the point of what bonsai is supposed to be, just like photos of climbing a mountain are not the same as actually doing so.
This is very true

The reason I posted this was not to show that someone can produce convincing sculpures. What was in my mind was that old Nutshell 'Is Bonsai Art?' I have my opinion and this is a Bonsai Forum so may others have their view too. But I know Bonsai pro's who say Bonsai is Bonsai not a Western concept of Art at all.

What I was thinking is that many people don't considder Bonsai as art' in its pure 'Western' sence; here is something that by that Westen definintion must be art. And yet it looks for all the world like Bonsai. It makes me want to think again about the question. If people would accept a sculpture as art why won't they accept Real bonsai as art. What is the mental road block?
Not sure why people feel the need to get into philosophical questions like "is bonsai art" and the like. Just do bonsai, and leave the philosophy to the philosophers.
Hello Bonsai Basho...Thank you for posting this.. His sculptures are astounding...As an artist, you can sculpt whatever you want..These are works of art.. Also, the fact that he is an already a "seasoned" bonsai artists, somewhat lends more credibility...

I also work with clay.. However, my sculptures are more like creations out of horror movies.. I have always considered my projects art. Even though they may not be mainstream

For years, I have said that the only thing that I do not like about bonsai (besides pest infestations) was the fact that the trees could not be displayed indoors for long periods of time...However, there is an understanding that these are parts of nature and nature needs to be outside. As an artist, I think these are magnificent and I believe there are quite a few collectors who would love to have these in their homes. However, as a bonsai artist, I am not sure that I could get over the fact of having it inside all the time. Either way, it will be a matter of opinion..

All art is subject to opinion...When one first starts bonsai, it is taught that bonsai are trees in minature that resemble their large relatives in nature.. However, if I styled a tree like one in nature, it would probably get very little credit and never be allowed in a show. If on the the other hand, I get some nice material and shape it into one of the pre determined 5 styles or sub styles, then it becomes credible (well, that and other factors as well).. I guess it is the manipulation of nature by human hands that makes bonsai an art.

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