Just found this place


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Gulf Coast of Florida
I just found the forum and see a lot of familiar names that I know from another forum (BT).
This looks like a good forum with some fresh information and I have registered. I will just be lurking most of the time, reading old threads. I have already had a light bulb go off in my head after reading the thread, "to pinch or not to pinch". The detailed description of how to properly prune (time consuming to be sure....19 hours to do 3 trees!) a juniper's foliage, made perfect sense. I am sure there are many more gems scattered through out the site.
I just found the forum and see a lot of familiar names that I know from another forum (BT).
This looks like a good forum with some fresh information and I have registered. I will just be lurking most of the time, reading old threads. I have already had a light bulb go off in my head after reading the thread, "to pinch or not to pinch". The detailed description of how to properly prune (time consuming to be sure....19 hours to do 3 trees!) a juniper's foliage, made perfect sense. I am sure there are many more gems scattered through out the site.

yeah to all of that but unfortunately reading old posts cause there aint to many new ones these days. i wonder why?
yeah to all of that but unfortunately reading old posts cause there aint to many new ones these days. i wonder why?

Traffic is always down in the Summer. People are out doing other things than hanging around their computers. Wait until the kids get back to school and the weather starts to cool off, then you'll see a lot of new posts :)
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