Just started in on these 2....

Any advice will be appriciated :)

Those are sweeties :D
Where are you wanting to take them to?
Please list what your thoughts are on them.
What Style are you wanting?
Those are sweeties :D
Where are you wanting to take them to?
Please list what your thoughts are on them.
What Style are you wanting?

With thin but bendy trunks like those, you should be able to put some very nice natural curves in them!
With thin but bendy trunks like those, you should be able to put some very nice natural curves in them!

Chris has stated what, short of planting them in the ground for a few years worth of growth coupled with heavy cut backs to get some lower branching, may well be your only option.


With this style you have a few opitions open.

That wasn't rude Zappa. It is an example of the shortcomings of quickly written english. It was obvious to me (never known for being a keen ally for Will) that will had tongue in cheek. It was a "Danger, Will Robinson" moment.
ahh. sorry for the misunderstanding....The statement seemed elitest...i.e. "beginners shouldnt be posting their crap on the forums"
ahh. sorry for the misunderstanding....The statement seemed elitest...i.e. "beginners shouldnt be posting their crap on the forums"

(When only famous reknown bonsaika post magnificent trees on this forum, then it won't be BonsaiNut any more, it'll be World War III... :mad: )

I agree with Chris : wiring could help, and your idea of a literati is a good one.

I'm not really into conifers, but I'm sure you can get useful advice to develop it into a bonsai. Here or elsewhere.

As for me, I'll let you play Gunfight at the O.K. Corral, so long cow boys, I don't run as fast as a stray bullet.
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My reply last night was indeed tongue and cheek, nobody called your trees crap, you did.

Outside of a lenghty stay in the ground, your only option as you know at this point is to go for a literati.
yeah Rick I totally agree with your statement about pots...I know this tree needs more maturity...it needs to be put in the ground....I was more interested in shaping advice...I plan on working on their shapes while they are in the ground :)

How much of a bend in the trunks should I aim for? I know this style breaks bonsai "rules"...but are there any rules within this style about bends? I think I read somewhere that they should bend more towards one direction.

by the way Im planning on developing the bottom branch of the 2nd bonsai into jin...would this be a good situation to try it or should I wait for a better opportunity with a different tree?
(When only famous reknown bonsaika post magnificent trees on this forum, then it won't be BonsaiNut any more, it'll be World War III... :mad: )

I agree with Chris : wiring could help, and your idea of a literati is a good one.

I'm not really into conifers, but I'm sure you can get useful advice to develop it into a bonsai. Here or elsewhere.

As for me, I'll let you play Gunfight at the O.K. Corral, so long cow boys, I don't run as fast as a stray bullet.

Alain tsk tsk.....
English is a harsh language as we both know, and the meaning behind can be off. Please let it slide to the side.
I wouldn't put these in the ground.The lower branches are missing from the first and insignificant on the second.For a literati style you want the thin trunks.Why try to thicken them in the ground?I doubt if you would increase the taper in the ground either.

If they were mine I'd be looking at a literati style for sure. Find as many examples in books or the internet to get inspired and have a go.

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