Maples and a Juniper


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McHenry, IL
This is a thread to track the progress of my current lineup of trees. This is my first growing season, and all my trees are very young. I have not yet procured anything of real age, but I will.

Here's what I have at the moment:

Procumbens Nana. I did a repot thread on this one shortly after I purchased it from Sams Club this spring -
It grew well after the repot. Since then I've wired it up because 1) I wanted to get some experience wiring, and 2) because I eventually want this to be a informal upright.

Acer Palmatum Bloodgood - My wife bought this for me from Home Depot for $15 since they were trying to get rid of leftover trees. I put it in the ground and will grow the truck out. I was considering air-layering the top off and making two trees out of it. I haven't practiced this technique before but I think I'll give it a try in the spring.
What do you think of this? Was this tree grafted?
Also for fun, here's a picture of the leaves. I love the shape of these. I've read that they dont reduce well. What are your thoughts?

And lastly, I transplanted 9 maple seedlings from my yard earlier this summer just to see what would happen. They are sitting in a mix of pine bark, sand, and peat moss. So far they are all alive and well and were putting out new growth up until about 3 weeks ago. They've since slowed down a bit, maybe because of the very hot August we had in northern Illinois? My plan is to over-winter them in these pots, and then plant them in the ground next spring to let them grow out for a few years.
I especially like this little guy. I pulled him out of the ground like this, with all kinds of leaves sprouting. He didn't put out much extra growth after transplanting, but he isn't dead either.

I welcome any and all comments. I will update this thread as things progress.
Your Bloodgood is most certainly grafted. You can see the graft Union on the lower trunk. You will find it frustrating to use as a bonsai. The problem is not the leaf size. It's the long internodes between sets of leaves. And branches.
Thank you for confirming my suspicion about the graft. I have seen photos of some pretty great looking Bloodgoods, so im not discouraged yet, though I know there is a lot of time/work ahead. What do you think of an air layer above the graft as well? Or do you think it might smooth out with time?
That's not a bad looking graft. Can't see the nebari. I wouldn't air layer unless the nebari are awful. No, your issue is going to be developing ramification on the branches.

Good luck with it.
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