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Western PA USA
Hello to everyone. Has anyone else ever worked with Chrysanthemum as bonsai? This is my first full cycle with them. I started this as a cutting last Fall and over-wintered the roots and then trained it this Summer.



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No experience with 'em

Hi Gnome;

I have no experience with them - they are challenging enough in my garden :) I would think one of the challenges would be for you to maintain compact growth without removing the blossoms. How large are you trying to grow it out to be? It appears to be already branch-trained but perhaps you might consider growing it out like a black or white pine - i.e. allow free growth for a while and cut back hard to the first branch, then train the first branch as the new trunk, etc. I saw someone do this once with English Ivy and they had an amazing 2" thick base in just a few years.

How large are you trying to grow it out to be? It appears to be already branch-trained but perhaps you might consider growing it out like a black or white pine - i.e. allow free growth for a while and cut back hard to the first branch, then train the first branch as the new trunk, etc.

My experience with them as bonsai is limited as well. From what I understand while it is possible to over-winter the trunk and continue next year, the location of new growth can be unpredictable. The other route is to start anew every year. I am going to keep this one frost free this winter and play it by ear next spring. I also have some new cuttings and will have another go at it next year.

Well, well... you learn something new every day :)


Sounds like you missed a great show at the National Arboretum. I sent Jum Hughes an email for more info. That is an amazing looking bonsai.
I heard back from Jim today and he explained that the person in charge of the chrysanthemum show, Dave Garvin, no longer lives in the D.C. area. Fortunately Jim had Dave's contact info, and I sent him an email asking if he could 'enlighten' us on chrysanthemum bonsai. I hope Dave comes through - this is sounding interesting.
I have been sharing emails with:

John Capobianco
President, Long Island Chrysanthemum Society, Inc.
President, Bonsai Society of Greater New York, Inc.
Bonsai Instructor at the New York Botanical Garden

John is going to try to come to the site and post some information. Additionally, he recommends this book:

"The Art of the Chrysanthemum", by Tameji Nakajima and H. Carl Young

Somehow I missed your latest here, thanks for making the effort. I look forward to Johns input. I have already acquired the volume that you have cited. It is out of print and I got mine from, it is well Worth considering if anyone has any interest in this topic.

I wrote an article about a season-long multiple workshop we did with our local club creating mum bonsai from Kings Mums "Gnome" cuttings. We used 7 varieties. Several pictures included.
If you can get hold of a copy of the ABS Journal,
ABS Journal,Fall 2000, volume 34, number 3 pg. 24


Thanks for the tip, I'll see about locating it. Do you work with them on a regular basis? I would be interested in hearing about your experiences with them as your climate is probably not that different than mine. The "Gnome" thing is just a coincidence by the way.

That was a one-time thing. I decided to do it after buying the Japanese book mentioned before. Kings mums was a big help and they have some nice old ones on their web page.
It was a great workshop to last a whole season April through October. The biggest problem we had was getting pics of them at best blooming before frosts and the mold starting effecting some leaves badly.
We had them planted in/on pots, logs, stones, etc.
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