My san jose


Drop Branch Murphy
Reaction score
SE MI- Bonsai'd for 12 years both MA and N GA
I spent all morning looking for earlier pics of this one...:(no luck. This is another tree I picked up at New England Bonsai gardens 4-5 years ago. tree sat in a California back yard for probably 20 years without repotting or meaninful shaping, before moving to New England. The soil was a solid brick, the straight, lichen-covered branches were unbendable, and most of the growth was out at the ends. Still, it offered a trunk with nice taper and shape. I made the old back the front, removed and jinned many of the branches, and re-potted with a significant planting angle change. Because the soil was so hard and the tree was not healthy, I couldn't aggressively work the roots. I basically treated it like an azalea, sawing away the bottom and sides of the root ball and hammering a screwdriver through the brick like soil to open it up a bit, then slightly over potted it. That was three years ago, and the tree has grown quite well (despite contracting spider mites last year:mad:). I re-potted last week into a smaller pot, removing the last remnants of compacted soil and exposed more of the nebari which had been previously hidden. The shari, which was created 2 years ago, was widened slightly, as well. I will let this one recover for a bit, then wire out later this year. Comments are welcome.


*Edit* I was able to find a picture from 4 years ago, after its first styling by me.


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Dave, I'd say you have done a nice job sending that on it's way. I would consider drastically shortening or removing the bottom jin though.

Thanks for the post Dave. I'm going to leave the Jin alone, atleast for now. I may shorten it down the road, but I don't think I would ever completely remove it.

I did some carving on the deadwood this past summer. I decided Dave's suggestion was a good one and shortened the lowest jin on the right. It grew fairly well despite a late re-pot this past spring, and the spider mites weren't an issue this summer:). I'll wire out the foliage this fall. Thanks,



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It's looking good Dave, what did you use to battle the S mites??

Everything:D. On the advice my teacher, I applied a half strength dose of horticultural oil in April. Then, I applied the Bayer 3-1 every 5 days for three doses in early May. In August, I applied Isotox as well. This fall and winter, I'm going to apply the hort. oil full strength, along with a dilute lime sulfur spray. I'm learning that coming into the growing season without bugs is the best way to avoid problems.
Nice job on the deadwood, I think it is definitely an improvement. Looks nice and healthy and hope to see some pics after wiring.
Thanks Tom. You should know this was a spur of the moment purchase at NEBG...I went there to retrieve my new jin pliers that I had left there accidentally the previous evening following some fun at the Wednesday night workbench. Anyway, I walked in to the main buliding to find Hitoshi cleaning this tree up. It was unpotted, needed a ton of work, and was one of about one hundred newly acquired trees that he needed to work on...needless to say, he made me an offer I couldn't refuse:D.
Thanks Tom. You should know this was a spur of the moment purchase at NEBG...I went there to retrieve my new jin pliers that I had left there accidentally the previous evening following some fun at the Wednesday night workbench. Anyway, I walked in to the main buliding to find Hitoshi cleaning this tree up. It was unpotted, needed a ton of work, and was one of about one hundred newly acquired trees that he needed to work on...needless to say, he made me an offer I couldn't refuse:D.

Funny, I was there the other day and he was working on a huge ficus. He let me help him with taking the wire off so I think I may try and catch him doing the work on the trees so I can pick his knowledge. They still have a few nice looking San joses but I'm not quite ready yet. I am 95% sure I'll be joining Johns school next year so in due time I guess.
The tree as of 12/4/11. I liked the change in direction I took this tree this past spring but was bothered by the steep cascading main branch. It drew the eye away from the trunk which has nice movement and deadwood. So, yesterday, the branch was jinned....


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I like what you're up to. It it were mine, I would most likely let it grow wild for the next year or two, then give it a real thorough styling once it was real healthy.

I like where it's headed. It has some nice movement in it. You are inspiring me to get a nice big juniper next year
I like what you're up to. It it were mine, I would most likely let it grow wild for the next year or two, then give it a real thorough styling once it was real healthy.

That's the plan. I'll be doing some minimal pruning as this tree tends to throw growth in every direction and I'll want to direct that energy somewhat.
Hooray!! Plus one for you! Making the trunk the main thing is of course the main thing.... Love the work... :D

Also... have you thought of grafting kishu onto it? I've never been a big fan of the foliage of san jose... or maybe I've just not seen a really well developed one? Just a thought....

Go for it Tom. Get one with a good trunk and you'll have fun with it for years.
The trunk really is amazing, I agree with Vic I migh prefer the grafted foliage. On a side note, I confirmed with John and I will be joining his school next year. Really excited, winter needs to get here then end fast.
If I lived within a 100 miles of John, I'd do it myself... so that's awesome that you are joining his students Tom....

Also... have you thought of grafting kishu onto it? I've never been a big fan of the foliage of san jose... or maybe I've just not seen a really well developed one? Just a thought....


Yup, I sure have. I'm going to try and tame the awkward foliage that this San Jose offers over the next several seasons. If it is still rank and ratty, I'll definately graft...I've already got some rooted cuttings and now that there is only a few branches left, It'll be a snap:cool:.

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