Next stage of my bonsai life


Mister 500,000
Reaction score
Somewhere South of Phoenix
While I may hold the record for the being the person to stay a newbie for the longest period of time, I would like to tell you all where I currently find myself in my bonsai life.

After much detective work and a little luck, I have made contact with an officer from a local (YES LOCAL!!!!!) bonsai club here in Vegas. I had done many web searches and came up with disconnected phone numbers, not functioning websites and bad information. However I came across someone who had some valid contact info.

I will be finishing my masters next month and then I will have much more time for everything. I am very excited about this development.

Up until last summer, my attempts at bonsai had been on a patio that was more like an oven in the middle of summer and were not very successful. However, we purchased a new house and I recently completed a shaded growing area in the back yard complete with an automatic watering system.

I have been trying to narrow down what species will survive here and this year I am trying about 15 new species and adding additional trees to the ones that have done well thus far. My graduation also means I will be able to try my hand at collecting local species and also some junipers from nearby hills.

I am following the sage advice of many hot weather growers such as Al Kepler and many others. I am trying to follow Al's feeding program as well.

This fall, I will do something that I know will make Harry proud. ;) I intend to go to my new club and ask for help in selecting some much more advanced stock. I will then have several years experience with several different species and I should be able to make a better choice.

It may not seem like the best road to everyone but for me learning to keep things alive in Vegas was a prerequisite to buying better stock. Currently I have nothing in bonsai pots but I am growing trunks for several more years with the stock that I currently have.
Have to say I'm in a similar position in my "bonsai life." Glad to see there some peers on here!

Congrats on the Master's. Can I ask what it's in? Just curious, nothin' more...I recently graduated (returning student, multiple degrees as well) and had scads o' time to play around with bonsai. Good for you.

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Congrats on the degree. Now you will have (theoretically) more disposable income.

I would suggest that you consider attending the California convention this year in November. It is in Riverside. That is probably the closest the convention will ever get to Vegas/Henderson. It will be closer for you (and even those in Phoenix) than it will be for us in Northern CA. I will still make the journey despite the distance.

There will be an emphasis on heat tolerant plants so you can learn a lot for your climate. Save your $ for the venders. There might be some opportunities for great desert stock. I know (personally) that Al would be happy to help you spend your $.

Here is a link for the convention
Vegas is a short drive from LA. Definitely come down for the convention. As long as you have shade cloth and an irrigation system, you can grow many species. Without it, you are asking for trouble :)
Sounds like a really great time ahead for ya Mile-H.

I'ld be all over that Cali convention if I was as close as you are.
It is alright Nut, we never tell. What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. ;-)

In all seriousness, if anyone has any interest in coming to Vegas, there are amazing deals right now.
As my degree is in Theology, I will likely have less disposable income. ;-) Most definitely more time however. In the past three years I have written a couple thousand pages of papers and many other challenging things.

I will absolutely plan on the convention if I can pull it off.
Are vitex common around Vegas? A very knowledgeable fellow I met recently through the Iowa Bonsai Association was a long time Tempe resident. He has some very nice trees he collected around there and brought back with him.
Yes Vitex do very well and are one of the most common landscape plants. I have some white ones. The purple are far more common.
Yes Vitex do very well and are one of the most common landscape plants. I have some white ones. The purple are far more common.
I would like some seeds off the white one please....I have the purple ones here..
The do Bonsai real well...
Can y'all post some pictures? I just googled them but didn't get much info other than something about hormonal enhancement.

Oh and can you please put me on your list for white vitex milehigh?

I will get some pics up just as soon as the blooms open which should be any day. I need advice on them anyhow. The leaves on the white ones seem smaller as well. Not much but a little. Seeds or rooted cuttings?
Seeds are fine for me...Thank You.
Hi Milehigh_7,
Hope your bonsai grows well in their new environment. Bonhe
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