Nurseries in Rochester & NYC

shohin kid

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New Haven, CT
I am going to Rochester, New York, this summer and New York, New York. I would like to visit some nurseries while in those towns, especially Rochester. Do any of you know some bonsai nurseries that I should go to that have good material????? Your comments would be greatly appreciated.
The International Arboretum is in Rochester New York and has a great selection of Bonsai and supplies( (including many fine Shohin) as well Masterpiece Bonsai on display, including many outstanding Shohin Bonsai! You may also get a chance to meet Bill Valavanis. Bill travels all over the world teaching Classical Bonsai, he just returned from the land down under this week. He is a great teacher and loves to talk about Shohin Bonsai.
You did not mention when you are coming, but from September 10-13 SHOHIN BONSAI 2, the 2009 Bonsai Symposium will be held in Rochester. The last one was 2 years ago and was excellent. One of the features is the largest Shohin Bonsai Exhibit in North America. Details on the Symposium can be found at
The 1st U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition Exhibition Album was just released and has many amazing Shohin Bonsai. I just picked up my copy and it is superb! I just did a quick count and there are about 30 pages of 192, that feature multiple Shohin Bonsai. It is a great way to study both excellent trees and the displays. If you get one, bring it with you and ask Bill to sign it.
Let me know if you have any questions, I would be happy to help you!

thanks for the reply Mark,

I will be there around the middle of june. How are Bill's prices at the International Arboretum and what kinds of trees are we talking???
The nursery is open by appointment only, so.. make sure to notify Bill before your trip. He is a user on this site, but an e-mail is probably the way to go.

The selection is extensive, really extensive, but NOT expensive. There are pre-Bonsai and Bonsai at all price ranges as well. Get the phone number from the web site so you can call ahead to confirm a time to come by.
Shohin Kid,

Please let me know the exact days you will be in the Rochester, NY area. You are most welcome to visit my garden. I'll be at the BCI convention in New Orleans on June 18-21, however my family may be here to show you around.

Our local organization The Bonsai Society of Upstate New York is having our June meeting on Tuesday, June 23rd. We are having a plant sale, picnic and rock planting demonstration.

Please phone me at 585 334-2595 to schedule an appointment or e-mail me at:

Attached is photo of my garden taken about a week ago.

Hope to meet you.



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