OK, how about a little bonsai...


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This grafted California Juniper I bought from Jim Gremel in 2008, it was styled by Marco in April 2009. The current picture I took today just to show it's filling in nicely, actually faster than I hoped. So anyone east of California that can grow junipers, don't hesitate to buy one, thay do fine here in the midwest.

keep it green,


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Boy Harry,
that guy sure did fill in heavy. It doesn't even resemble the second pic which was an outstanding job of design work. Did Marco leave any instructions as to how to pinch or how often in order not to let it get away from you like it did? I have the same problem with most of my junipers also, but for me it's pure hell to get out in that constant 100 deg heat and do anything more than water them suckers. I can't believe I'm out there in early July cutting candles off my JBPs then either, but then those are an investment, not just bonsai.:p
Boy Harry,
that guy sure did fill in heavy. It doesn't even resemble the second pic which was an outstanding job of design work. Did Marco leave any instructions as to how to pinch or how often in order not to let it get away from you like it did? I have the same problem with most of my junipers also, but for me it's pure hell to get out in that constant 100 deg heat and do anything more than water them suckers. I can't believe I'm out there in early July cutting candles off my JBPs then either, but then those are an investment, not just bonsai.:p

I usually leave my Junipers alone to grow, but Marco always gripes at me to trim them in the growing season, I never do and he trims them up when he's here in April or May.

keep it green and thanks,
grafted juni

very nice juni Harry
it's filling out real nice.
is it grafted shimpaku onto cali. juniper ?
For the record, this is not a Phoenix graft, the live vein is California juniper. Just wanted to clear that up.

keep it green,
This graft seems to be a popular practice in Cal.The junies are redially available but their natural foilage is rather course. Also anyone living near the coast has a hard time with them over a oeriod of years due to humidity so they graft shimpacu onto them. Makes the tree much stronger and grafted trees will thrive anywhere thet shimps do. Roy Nagatoshi of Fuji Bonsai does this with all his Callies and he has a bunch. Great place to visit because the grafted trees look just like old yamadori shimps in Japan.
cali juniper

This graft seems to be a popular practice in Cal.The junies are redially available but their natural foilage is rather course. Also anyone living near the coast has a hard time with them over a oeriod of years due to humidity so they graft shimpacu onto them. Makes the tree much stronger and grafted trees will thrive anywhere thet shimps do. Roy Nagatoshi of Fuji Bonsai does this with all his Callies and he has a bunch. Great place to visit because the grafted trees look just like old yamadori shimps in Japan.

hey Dwight
do you have any pics to post of the grafted juni's from your visit to Roy's nursery ?
Couldn't afford any of Roys trees....very pricey. I do have a grafted Calli but it's in the very early stages of development. It has two grafts on it and they grow about twice ws fast as the grafted trees I've got from Gary Ishi at Chicugo-En. Give me a few years.
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