Please help name this bug


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Fresno, CA. Were all the food comes from if we ha
I was admiring my abundance of blackberry flowers today fantasizing about the bountiful crop it is going to produce this year when my fantasy was abruptly interrupted by this nasty beast procreating on one of the flowers. There were about 15 that I saw and so killed as many as I could see.

Are these harmful to my berries, or other trees? I also have seedling about 3 feet away.

Thanks in advance.


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Hey I get a beetle like that on my white roses every year. They chew holes all over the blossoms. I can't remember what type of beetle it is but I usually just squish them.
Mary B.
could be some kind of wevil, in some states its legal to release native praying mantids into your yard, could be a good natural choice here
Adult June bugs dont' eat foliage. Their larva eat roots.

THis looks to me like a Japanese beetle. They eat foliage and can defoliate plants if their numbers are large enough. They are attracted to blooms-roses are a favorite. Where you find one, you'll usually find thousands.
check with your local regulations of mantids
Not much to do about Japanese beetles, but I'm not sure that that's what this is. It IS a beetle, but I don't see the irridescent green carapace on this one. If there are a significant number of them, you'll probably have to fudge on the organic growing for a while and use Sevin dust on your plants. I doubt mantises would be effective. Beetles fly.
Thats a Shishigawagi Caliponica. It's a flesh eater so be carefull:eek:

Mongoose is effective......
Thats a Shishigawagi Caliponica. It's a flesh eater so be carefull:eek:

Mongoose is effective......

I beat you to it, but I removed my post, so you could be the smartass this time. Next time it's my turn.

keep it green,
You have me beat by two hours......
I remembered the name of the beetle on my roses. Look up "Rose Chafer Beetles) and I think you might have the answer. They eat other blossom than just roses so it very well could be your bug. It's similar to a Japanese beetle but it's not green, more tan/grey colored.
Mary B.
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