Portland Bonsai Spring Show


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Ptown oregon
In Portland OR at the japanese garden today and tomorrow...I hope to see as many nuts as possible


Unfortunatly now that I find out about the show on the day it begins I can't make plans to attend (and who has a show on mother's day weekend) .... I would have liked to have attended.
Well I think the show turned out great - I have lots of pictures and here's one of the show winners. This Hemlock won best conifer award, by Scott Elser.

And here's the winner for best deciduous - a shishigashira japanese maple by Robert Laws.

The display was later adjusted by Mike Hagedorn - anyone wants to venture a guess?

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And here's the winner for best deciduous - a shishigashira japanese maple by Robert Laws.

The display was later adjusted by Mike Hagedorn - anyone wants to venture a guess?

I think the pot should be centered on the stand?

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I noticed the CD in the picture almost right away!

Both of those are excellent trees.....

Thanks for posting!

And here's the winner for best deciduous - a shishigashira japanese maple by Robert Laws.

The display was later adjusted by Mike Hagedorn - anyone wants to venture a guess?

It seems the birds in the scroll are flying away from the tree. I guess the tree and the accent locations were swapped. I'm not nuts about how the tree stand overlaps the scroll either.
Man, their website sucks ((BSOP, not Japanese Gardens)). I looked online last week and there was no mention of this event that i could find. I wanted to go, but there was no info available.. grrrr. :mad:
Guess you did not look hard enough...Month at a Glance Calendar
if you live near Portland - you should sign up for the monthly newsletter as well (email or snailmail)

Anyway back on topic -

Mike first commented on the "CDROM" which is actualy the anchor that lines up the two portions of the back panel - clearly needs to go unless you're trying to achieve a four point disply.

Yes - the tree was then centered on the stand.

Then the stand was moved an inch or two to the left, ended up closer to the scroll with branches of the tree overlapping on the scroll.

The the accent plant was moved back a couple inches and also moved left a couple inches. Mike spent most of the time trying to find the right position for the accent.

Mike also commented on the quality of all three subjects and how well they go together because you have a tree, birds on the scroll, and a flower (no redundancies)
I noticed the CD in the picture almost right away!

Both of those are excellent trees.....

Thanks for posting!


Here's best in show for shohin category - forgot who the owner was... but it's a nice azalea on a rock

Guess you did not look hard enough...Month at a Glance Calendar

Just as a piece of constructive criticism, a splashy notice on the front page of the site linking to the calendar for big events like this will go a long way toward increasing visibility and event attendance. Also, having someone in the club or associated with it, to post threads like this a little further in advance will build some awareness, too.
I do find the BSOP site very difficult at best. Thank you for the constructive criticism -

To find out what is happening in Portland I usually look on the Olympia club's site.
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